Everything Or Nothing Chapter 9-Gentleness can't be given here
If anyone is unsure or confused as to what have happend, ask me or go read chapter 2 and i hope it becomes clearer for ya , if you have any questions ask away , i love questions :3!
A Necromancer's Heart:Chapter 3
Chapter 3 (Derek's P.O.V.) I had to watch as Soul, the one I loved, was kidnapped. I had tried to get to him but the kidnappers had thrown a sac of sleeping gas in the hall. Everyone had fallen asleep. No one could help Soul. A sudden surge of rage...
Everything Or Nothing cap 2 - Die another Day
He was burning , the flames were burning brighter and hother then ever before, he had tried to scream,god should know how mutch he had tried to beg , pleaded for them to stop whatever they were doing. At the end he had become a to big nuisance,so...
Master and pet reunited
Please let me know what you think and let me know how I can do better. I'd also like to express that this is not based on real events. The Nike and aperfectcircle belong to their respective owners. My character Brady can be used in whatever Jastin...
Royalty Isn't That Great: Chapter 1
Strong rain pounded down on the tiny town of Ellania, each drop striking its hollow tin roofs like a herd of stampeding bulls. Torrents of water fall from the sky, flooding the otherwise quiet village with waves of water and mud. Water gushes from...
Unicorn's Destiny: Chapter 9
It was so strange looking at him as he was now, it came with a startling moment of confusion as she had to study him to see it was him.
Hold On
Frozen in the panes of glass, Guilt of our century lives on. It chills us to the core, and recalls the mighty beast. Living for the great today, our souls linger in the static; held together through the dust of a promise's last reverb. I...
Sent Down Pt. 1
"So he put your paw down his pants?" The stag gave a bemused sneer. "No, no, just on his leg. It was sliding all the way down his thigh... not all THAT big, but it must've been around a foot." She smirked. "Creep." A rather tipsy ferret took yet...
The Gate-Way: Chapter 10 – Dazed And Confused
I know you're confused as fuck too...i'm your friend, jakey...you can talk to me." without looking at ethan, he brushed the other's paw from his shoulder. "talk to you about what?
Deeper into the Wilderness
Maggie didn't stray far from the second lake, heading back in an attempt to catch his scent again. She guessed that his transformation had subsided, hence the lack of a strong odor, but she couldn't figure out why his regular aroma, one...
As One-Ch.4: Hero
His face expression changed from one of confusion to one of amusement. **"ren."** my heart almost stopped beating. the umbreon laughed. **"do not be afraid, ren. i am you, after all."** "b-but you... i haven't evolved yet.
Senz'Anima - Quiet Indulgence
Of all the things to find in a box, Luca found a boy. He had thought himself ready for anything, after the last several boxes had been full of smutty drawings, illicit publications, smeared ledgers, and a great deal of rope in various fine weaves. Of...