One Night Stand
This work is licensed under a attribution-noncommercial-sharealike 3.0 unported (cc by-nc-sa 3.0) licence. see for specific licence details.
Egypt: Life as a Slave
This work is licensed under a attribution-noncommercial-sharealike 3.0 unported (cc by-nc-sa 3.0) licence. see for specific licence details.
Demon-ass - m/m, caressing/anal/oral, semi-nc/nc/violence/language - july 07, 2011 by afril, with help from chaos blackwing (cl) the gay furry association dedicated to all the hot demon-ass in video games! the demon stood.
Sydney's Morning Run 01
This work is licensed under a [creative commons attribution-noncommercial 4.0 international license]( (cc by-nc 4.0).
Chapter XVIII: Just Tell Me Where To Begin
A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 5: Not Like Them
[creative commons license](]( this work is licensed under a [creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike 3.0 unported license](
Twokinds: A Harder Road - Chapter 3
This work is in turn licensed under cc by-nc-sa 4.0: their lunch had run a little long.
[Infosheet] Be-Reux-Sne
#1 of species infosheets be-reux-sne infosheet (licenced under creative commons by-nc-nd) -general description- be-reux-sne (short term: reux) are an aquatic species similar to a humanoid earth orca.
The Shepherd
Shepherd - satire, m/m, anal/oral/semi-nc - april 21, 2010 by afril, with help from chaos blackwing (cl) the gay furry association wolves, rams and a hunky shepherd all the wolves were afraid of the shepherd - he wielded his staff very well.
, nc - rape/oral/anal - september 01, 2003 digi tales 2 by swamprat (cl) 1999, 2003 - gay furry association all character names used without permission "hey!" evil greymon growled.. "watch where you put those paws!"
c-snakes: infiltrator
[]( based on c-snakes, a fictional species created by alyn gryphon.
[]( based on c-snakes, a fictional species created by alyn gryphon.