Taken By The Plush Bunny
He grabbed the rest of the costume and set it against his chest, he took in a deep breath and slowly slipped the rest of his body through the zipper on the back of the costume.
A Nice "Costume" (Vore/TF Story)
Neil was supposedly putting on his half of the costume in the bathroom, but leng honestly hadn't seen the costume at all yet! it just made the reveal that would be coming all the better, though..
Halloween Special
The mouth's lower "jaw" has a piece of fishing line on either end of it, normally staying lowered unless the string, which runs through the costume to my elbows (still inside of the costume) is tugged to the side.
Return of Streak
The sheen on her costume glistened from the lights above. the sight of all the tented costumes only aroused me further in my half-asleep state.
The Complete Suit
His life long dream of wearing a mascot costume having come true. he sits back down and then takes off the costume and places it back in the box. he puts back on his sneakers and then heads back over to the door.
Costume Antics
Prompt:write a situation in which a two person costume allows a couple to get away with having sex in public. example being someone using a centaur costume in the middle of a dance floor. shel wobbled in place, feeling hot and stuffy.
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Plush
His almost fully white outfit was bright even in the fading light of sunset. accompanying the costume was a new wig, almost as white as the costume itself, long enough to reach well past his waist, and tied with a blue band just before the end.
The Smoking Mask - Part 1
His best friend was holding a costume party in a few days and he, being the bone idle guy that he was, had left it to the last minute to pick a costume.
Boot Shiner
Crisis walks around zaki as she starts to slip on the main body of the outfit. zaki unzips the front and lays back into the outfit.
A Darling Halloween
She looked down at herself, pulling on her blouse as the rubber like outfit easily stretched in her hand, nothing like the outfit she normally would wear.
The Con Badger
All that he could see were furs in costume, dressed as their favorite characters and personalities, and large groups all together in group costumes.
Interlude - Sarah's Dream
Satisfied with the overall look of the costume, she flipped to a new page in the sketchbook and started work on some detail drawings of the different parts of the costume.