Fox Fight

He felt a little sick to his stomach as his muzzle was slammed sideways flinging saliva from his muzzle. the red fox tried to keep from laughing as he slammed a punch straight into the middle of his stomach.

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Sibling Rivalries 4: Tails in Turmoil

I just slammed my fucking tail into a car door." he looked down to see that half of her tail was bent painfully into an l shape.

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Breaking the Bull

He slammed down hard and made a small tear, the bull moaning as pain and pleasure mixed together in him. the skunk slammed again and again, harder each time as more of the piñata's insides were exposed.

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college days part 5

Was all she said before sam felt something slam into his balls. he let out a scream of pain as the thing slammed into them again. he looked through tear-blurred eyes and saw the vixen standing there with her foot raised ready to slam again.

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Tyler x Shadow 5: Not Quite Done Yet

She kicked off of the tree and slammed into tyrogue head on. from there, she blasted him point blank with a shadow ball. her onslaught was cut short by machop elbowing her in the back.

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Her brothers friend.

Eric snickered softly as he slammed his cock into her once or twice before stopping to nothing but a small grind into her. "oh? you want me to fuck you in front of tim and greg?"

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Dark Park

Griz grunted and slammed hard into fitch, feeling him rock forward with the power of his body.

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Remembering Loss

Nal laughed and began trusting into her, pulling half of his length out before slamming forward again, rocking her forward.

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Mutt Ch.3: Undeniable

The slam was incredible and lok was dragged down with it slamming into the muzzle just under it's eye. the corruption's legs slid over the side and the rest of it was following quickly.

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Morning Needs - Current Request - Final WIP

slam. bite. eat. without even realizing it, his excitement grew to the point that his other primal need was waking up. run. pounce. slam. bite. eat. the lion's excitement was beginning to affect his arousal.

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Dominating a Hellhound Queen

He asked with a grin before turning and slamming her into a wall, pinning her against it with his paws on her torso. she let out a cough, showing that she was winded by the strong slam to the stone but never did she show a sign of pain.

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MLP: Try, Try, Try Again

With a deep sense of deja-vu, luna spiralled through the air helplessly, plummeting from the sky and slamming head-first into the ocean waves far below.

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