Trials: Chapter V
**V** **-** **Recovery** He sat for a few minutes; one, two.. tick, tick, tick; sixty times, four more times. I lost count around 280. I couldn't determine whether his stare was at or through me, but either way he didn't make any other sounds. The...
Trials: Chapter VI
ATTENTION!! :3 Please note: This story contains more-homosexual referenced material. There is **not** any sexual content, but if you don't like two teenage furs in close proximity, then you have been warned. This chapter also contains small detail to...
Trials: Chapter II
**II** Maybe I woke up because of the storm outside, which was still raging long into the night. However, maybe it was the dream I had... I have always had very vivid dreams, even 'day mares', as doctors call them. After looking at the clock, I...
Trials: Chapter I
**This is my first \*serious\* story, and I hope it is as good as I intend.** **All comments, criticism, or support will graciously be accepted in...
A Thief's Trials: Captured
#1 of a thief's trials ---the starting of a new mini-series. nonsexual for the first part folks. ;) enjoy comment with constructive criticisms or compliments, vote is loved it!
A Thief's Trials: Sacrifice
#10 of a thief's trials **well here's the final installation to tenja's trials. i hope that those who've followed this enjoyed it as much as i did.
Many Trials of a Centaur
#1 of many trials of a centaur please consider donating. donations come with significant rewards! for more details, click here: [](
Straight Ass Trial
_Standard disclaimer:_ _This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your...
Love's Final Trial
Alex yawned as he stared up at the sky. Xiau Kan has been having a lot of storms recently and no one could really explain it. Even though it was the storm season, there shouldn't be as many as there was. It was kind of weird. Slowly standing up, Alex...
Chapter 15: Trials
"unfortunately getting to me won't be all that easy...i have a set of trials for you to pass. defeat them, and you'll have your meeting with me. i just hope you're up for some tearful reunions....and farewells! hahahhahhaaaa" he rang out.
Life and Trials of BlackFox
Boring Disclaimer, this may contain adult situations, yiff, and cussing depending on my mood. Don't read this if you are under 18, and if you do do not get caught! Hello, my name is Black, well at least that is what my friends call me. Well...
A New Trial for Adam
Adam a slim wolf with a black coat walked into his room after a long night at the club and took off his boots and tossed them on the floor making a big "Thump" resound through the house. The thump made Adam's Ears and tail twitch "every time I come...