Story of my Life Ch4

Hell, even a peck on the cheek was as rare as seeing mars with the naked eye, so this was a whole new concept to me... no, this was more like a whole new planet that was three time's bigger than the earth and i didn't even know where to begin to go.

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The Lost Temple: Starlight's Discovery

As space travel became easier scientist prefer exploring new planets rather then earth so no one ever went searching for this lost civilization again so erin and starlight were forced to maintain the temple, even make statues of themselves for the main hall

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Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part Two

I pledge my support to helping you find a new planet and rebuild your civilization. the earth will not be habitable for some time, tho i pledge to renew her to what she once was.


Rivals on the Horizon!

#13 of queen of dino planet (old) with their time on the new planet ft, fox, gene, and krystal all solemnly returned to their arwings. it had been a phenomenal experience here and they vowed to return soon.

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The Swords that Bind- Part 4 The Quest for Knowledge

As i felt sick from planar passage, i also felt wonder at this new planet. both were dispelled in professionalism a second later. i brought up the trajectory displays for the planet, and swung slowly onto a reasonable intercept course.

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Fox McCloud's Growth Spurt - A Trade with Juano

Getting used to the new planet?" the fox asked as his paws rubbed over the back of the wolf, ruffling into his two-tone fur as the wolf simply let out a giggle and nodded.

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"find someone new? planet you like? job you like? it doesn't really matter the _cause_, dev. maybe you'll find a starbase with some _really good_ shepherd's pie. won't be able to give it up.

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Explosions and Promotions

new planet, new things to exper-" "i just don't... ok?" vega retorts. it is a tad on the snappish side, but he is a bit perturbed not even including the events leading up to them now being stranded. dr.

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Remembrance - Part 2

Moments ago, he had been dreading plugging himself back in to his stasis chamber, hurtling through space at unimaginable speeds on his way to a new star, a new planet, a new home, and suddenly he was here in this surreal dream world, faced with creatures that

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Under the Sundowner Part 03

He transported the people to a new planet hidden from crystal. everything seemed to be going well for a time, but after many generations the dacat family felt that they deserved more respect since prowler was known as 'the great one'."

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