Snake Eye - The Key To The Mystery
A good bit of the increased success to drew's presence.
Forever To Be Friends (Part 1)
With some kind of luck, he found drew, sitting in a corner of the room with a buffalo, two human boys, and a horse. drew saw josh first and smiled, saying, "yo! dude! over here!"
Trials of a duelist the crystal and the light
Out her disc angel:4000 miranda:4000 "i'll start" she drew her card "i summon red eyes black chick in defence mode, your move" "ok, draw" angel drew her card "angel, let me at 'er, i'll tear her to shreds" she smiled and said
The Gift by Destructionn on FA
drew continues to panic and runs for the front door. "i'm sorry drew. but i can't let you do that." constupro raises his paws towards drew and chants, "nunc animum nobis pertinet ad me" (your mind now belongs to me).
Slave Training: Part One
The most important thing he had to do right then and there was to listen to drew, to help drew, to do everything and anything that he could do for drew, for drew was the only thing that mattered to him right then and there, that moment, that time.
For SCIENCE!! ch1-6 summary
drew opens up dr. ds audio lab reports to get a better idea of whats going on. dr. s isnt worried about getting pregnant because she wasnt in heat, and so drew cleans her up and goes back to patrolling the lab. 4 days later, dr.
First Time for Everything Duel
'let destiny choose' i thought as i drew my card "i set monster face down and activate monster reborn.
First Time For Everything Duel
'let destiny choose' i thought as i drew my card "i set monster face down and activate monster reborn.
Sibling Rivalry
He bumped shoulders with his buddy, drew, but they just laughed. drew was very hot at this point, his own erection quaking hard even though it hadn't gotten near anyone.
Royal Right Chapter 3: A mile in his shoes.
drew clapped. neal rolled his eyes and crossed his arms once more.
Round 2 part 2: This Fire Burns
Singe drew his card, "i summon volcanic rocket (atk/1900 def/1400) attack his dunker." his volcanice rocket was about to attack, until bob pulled a fast one.
Yu-Gi-Oh World Tour Chapter 1.5 (rewrite)
Smith drew his card and smiled at the card he drew, "i tribute my kaiser sea horse to summon blue-eyes white dragon (atk/3000 def/2500)" his kaiser shattered and a white dragon took it's place, and roared. "attack with white lightning."