Life Under the Swatter
Life Under The Swatter The year is, or was, at the very least, 1609. I stood in front of the royal fleet's best and most renowned ship, the Maritime. I was to be exiled to a land, an isle, I believe it was, far overseas. How did I happen to receive...
A Gift From The Depths
A man is saved from drowning by an octopus with an interesting methodology. disclaimer - this is a commonplace everyday piece of anthropomorphic octopus erotica.
Beyond the Hold: Chapter Two
_"One may fight against the will of Ka - and sometimes win..."_ The two youngsters ran through the shallows, diving in once the beach fell away from dry sand. They swam around each other like playful Ora'ka, spiraling down to a depth of several...
Two by hanging while one is drowned by the sadistic dungeon master and leather creature known only as spider.
Fifty Shades of Tan: Bonding Within the Undersea Cavern
I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, lost in the throes of multiple orgasms, and nearly drowned the poor feline in my ecstasy. lesson learned. never seduce a sea otter without wearing scuba gear.
A basement in 1988
A basement in 1988 Water occasionally running through the pipes overhead were one of the only discernable sounds the little german shepard could make out in the heavy bag covering his head. Jonah could feel the rope holding the back loose, but...
The shuttlecraft boarding party
Monday morning. To Ernestor, it was going to be just another ordinary day, but to Valargent, this Monday was going to be an adventure, probably the undertaking that could change his life. Ernestor was a Senior Lieutenant, the goat was around the...
SNG Ch4. Jock Strapped
Brandon snapped back "that we got it in our heads to gang rape the kid and then drown him? do you want that scholarship or a prison sentence?"
The Så Ymse Special Guest
#1 of commissions this is not my ordinary content, so please be aware that this commission includes drowning/death.
Obedience School: Roxan Ch.3, Dear Chaos
Something about drowning really takes it outa ya. kyle was the first to look up from the lion on the ground. "ohhh shit roxan, did he do that to you?"
Obedience School: Roxan Ch.3, Dear Chaos
Something about drowning really takes it outa ya. kyle was the first to look up from the lion on the ground. "ohhh shit roxan, did he do that to you?"
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 23 | Chip
In the distance he thought he heard his name being called though it was hard to tell as the sound of the crashing waves drowned everything else out.