Untitled #6 "squelch")
The room was quickly filled with the distinctive hiss of the aerosol and the pleasant aloe odour of the thick white creamy goop being emptied into its rubber vessel.
Caffeine Rush
She could feel the sloshing goop slink into the panda's body, slithering and coating nerves and muscles as it weaved its way to her arm.
Nergigante's Seed
He had managed to thrust in the pool of goop. he felt it rush inside his cock, making it explode in growth. the ground around his cock gave away as it gorged on the corrupting liquid.
Liquid Lunch
Soon the last of him dripped off the chair and onto the hardwood floor, gelling into a thick, viscous goop, vaguely the same dark green as his scales had been. kebabs didn't sound that appetizing anymore.
The Hyena Exhibit
His spotted fur seemed to be slightly wet with his sweat and filth, his armpits had strings of yellow goop hanging from them that smelled nearly as bad as his hot rank breath.
Duke Weaselton Gets Even 2 - Unending
There are different colored goop on her ears and body. "we're going to have so much fun." judy grinned cruelly. he gulped. she made him question if he made the smart decision to show up here.
Experiment #1231: Appetite Supplement
Your stomach is the size of a beachball, bloated and massive, gurgling with the mix of food and drink and goop inside you. it's like something out of your fantasies. it _is _something out of your fantasies.
[The Last Commissions] A Breakfast Story
Smiling to himself, justin ran his knife through the goop, and then watched with delight as he spread it atop the pancake, and it 'melted' not into runny liquid, but instead into the surface of a world. it had everything a world should have.
Becoming Symbiotic #2
Then you feel your cock and balls absorb the remaining goop. you feel them getting heavier and heavier as your balls bloat and reach your knees, becoming 3ft wide each.
Mercenaries in a Slimy Bath
Garren breathed heavily before he suddenly grabbed red and lifted him into his lap, his dick pulsing hard in the slime as precum bubbled up into the goop.
Halloween 2013: Part 2
They disentangled their bodies, releasing the puddles of new goop into the thicker medium of their pool.
Gorging on Goo
The purple goop changed a shade of color as well as well as began to glow very softly.