Going for Gold.

Staring ash,a male moth, and rowen, a male raptor. by inkyofiscy ash was of course a big fan of all these fans here for the autographs but after an hour of signing he was getting very tired. he wasn't used to this many people wanting an autograph.

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Birb Birthday

Mako,a male bird, wasn't having the best birthday up until ash, a female moth,invited him over for their own little party at her place. it turns out that ash is very good at giving gifts by inkyofiscy made for makothemako for his birthday!

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A Quick Bout and Devious Plans

This one was flying and had a moth-like appearance: dustox. jaden again brought out his pokedex to get a scoop on his new opponent... "dustox: the moth pokemon. this pokemon is the evolved form of cascoon.

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Die Herausforderung des Lebens Kapitel 2 Der Sohn des Helden

Als er eines abends zusammen mit mir aus der festung gehen wollte stieß er mit jemanden zusammen, einem ork namens moth gro-bagol, dem schmied der feste.

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"moth," bird called, motioning for his maid to come closer. she took a few cautious steps forward, stopping just short of him. "send word to the general. let him know about this development... and, make sure that news does not reach heather.

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Zikita: chapter 2

The ship was not not moth bigger that an aircraft whit out it wings. the hight felt like i could be to floors of it. the only place it was a big different in since of ur aircraft or this was its whit.

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To love a Succubus 6

.~ **\*** so this one is clean, i know 6 moths no posts and i come back with a clean emotional chapter, for shame kirsten, i promise number 7 will have some fun in it and it wil not take me 6 moths to finish **\*** **to love a succubus 6 (the great

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Allure (04/08/2018) left stunned by the form before my eyes, your exquisite effervescence draws me, like a moth to a flame i hover in awe, close enough to see your glory, but with distance to guard me from your burning rays, lest i be engulfed

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too war

There on a blood darkened wall hang his comrade with flies and moths drinking the blood that oozed from the bruises and wounds that covered the length of his body.

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Wishing Well

I remember that one late august night, watching the moths mob the lantern's amber light, the summer wind playing with the flame, your ebon hair, swaying, caressed your neck. i saw you swallow. i envied your spit.