House Pets Inc: Chapter 1

The poodle spoke in a surprisingly deep voice and inclined his head. "you can't do this!"

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Pretty Boy

When the poodle proprietor of the prism asks you up to his private room, you better be ready for nobody to recognize you on your way out. i know what drew his eyes to me.

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Teaser: Commercial Break

The thirteen-year-old grey-furred poodle looked great in clothing ads for other ferals, but there was an invisible barrier to get into television.

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Airtime (commission for Arno)

The poodle didn't need to be told. they were already sinking into that mindset naturally. "now, we're going to contemplate plans we can do together.

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Vanya the Snake Charmer

"yes." replied the poodle without hesitation. lukas grumbled as he looked away. michelle patted his back. "don't beat yourself up.

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A remote Experience (Snuff, Suicide)

The fat fat poodle was putting his own noose back on, adjusting the eyelet to be against the back of his neck.

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The Cable Guy- A Gray Muzzle story

She was this white poodle, but, like a human poodle. she's upright, like a human. she was wearin' this long, slinky black dress, what hung to every curve. she had a beautiful head a hair on 'er, and clancey? she got a tail!

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It's You

Alric noted, placing a paw on the poodle's. "bonjour." the poodle offered in a bubbly, high-pitched tone. paul would have equated it to a mix between a california valley-girl and a french whore.

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Semi-Willing Labor

Tags: m/solo, m/m, bondage, german shepherd, poodle, aphrodisiac, anal parasite, anal infestation, body control, sci-fi, boner,

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Tina's Story Chapter 75 A recap of 'Tina's Story

The characters: tina: tina is about 25 years old, a white human/poodle hybrid. she is of average height, and slim, but well muscled, from tennis, ballet, running, and recently, swimming.

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The Changing Game

The polar bear returns to his normal self and stands by the poodle. "it's alright. i won't force you." santiago says. "come on." he drapes his arm over carson's shoulders.

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