Rorshawk watched the monitors as the transport or rather the blip that represented the transport, sped away from the valeria and down to planet surface.
Into the Horizon: Power Contested Part 2
He pulled bill into an embrace, knowing they might not get another chance to do so once they transported over. dasher didn't care what the transporter tech thought of them or what he did next.
My night with Bev.
"bev, do your personal have a matter transmitter, you know transporter?" "yes, but lisa hates being transported. i studied your military laws, but we don't discharge personal for having a phobia of transporters.
The crew piled into the transport, they all groaned and sighed a bit, there bodies beaten by the heat and work. the transport was filled with chatter as they moved back to the prison. micha sat quietly and just thought to himself.
Chapter 9: Three’s a Crowd
I'll get the transport ready for you and brief you on the last minute details." "i'll be there in five minutes." professor waterblake ended the call, leaving shirlene to pack for the trip.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 119: Something Awful This Way Comes (Knight Watch Part Three)
I did call the operator of the personal transport vehicle that had gone rogue. the beaver was surprised because it had never done that before.
Spears In Space! (Part 1)
We still need to get these transports home." leaving the remnants of the fight behind, sanita and the others quickly reformed around the transports and began to follow the trails of the departing craft.
The Patchwork Soldier part VI
I quipped, patting the employee's head (i couldn't resist) i waved the magpistol towards the transport's airlock "now let's get out of here before this rig blows." * * * the interior of the transport was just as crude as its exterior.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 11
The sky suddenly turned dark as a throne appeared as it was transported to the surface.
Part VII - Conceiving in a Glowing Afterlife
He clawed his way into the back of the transport, noticing the same solid black cyrotube as before. he shot a look back at the hanger just as it erupted in a massive fireball, its concussive wave rattling the fleeing transport.
Expedition: Guards and Archivists
Sera assured him as the transport coasted to a stop, just a moment behind the transport with the rest of the party.
Episode 2: One Lost Shadow
"but we're already losing transporter locks as it is," harry replied. "the ionization is making transport extremely risky." "what about planetfall?" tara's voice spoke up.