Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 3 - Prowlers of the Rooftop
Holding the umbreon still, he shoved two tails under the umbreon's member, trapping it against his belly.
A Story of Shadow, Part II
It was another umbreon, completely normal looking. glancing down, shadow saw that this umbreon also had a bangle on his leg.
The Twilight Army; The Beginning of the End & The End... Or is it?
Flapping her great wings, she flew above the other pokemon and landed near the umbreon. bowing slightly, though only to abruptly rise as the umbreon began to laugh at her manners, she smiled.
Chase Visits the City
At this point you couldn't even think of fighting it, the umbreon had thoroughly destroyed any will you had left to survive and all that was left was to succumb to your fate in the umbreon's balls.
Evolutionary desires pt 11
umbreon hovered over her brother's member now, drizzling the amazing mixture and causing eevee to shoot a few more spurts of pre before umbreon's mouth finally emptied.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 17 - Me, Myself and I
The umbreons sight was completely overshadowed by the element, and some strange energy started to flow into the umbreons body. kyurex couldn't see anything. everything was dark, and the umbreon again experienced some weird feelings.
Moon Fox (Rewritten Version)
The umbreon asked vulpix while circling him lazily, his red eyes drifting over the fox's body. "just vulpix," answered vulpix. the umbreon's actions were making him nervous but the umbreon's voice. to vulpix the voice was the most soothing sound ever.
Mike's Pokemon Chapter 1
"when is that stupid umbreon going to shut up!? "umbreon? you have an umbreon here?" "yes, we do." "no wonder she was acting that way. do you know anything about pokemon or are you just like every other asshole rocket member?"
Melting Tank
Bluepaw blushes and moves closer to xander remember the story that the umbreon told.
Wishes Do Come True
Its content covered by a black umbreon and a large glaceon. they laid comfortably together, the glaceons head rested carefully on the umbreons stomach, while the umbreon had curled up nicely to give the glaceon a wide space.
A Complex Umbreon & Cat Relationship
This umbreon and cat had quite the complex relationship.
Dangers of Curiosity Good Ending
Feeling happy with herself as she was slowly but surely freeing herself from the umbreon's ravenous shaft. at least until the sleeping umbreon thrusted up in the air, causing her to sink even deeper than before.