Goldeneyes Chapter 4

She seemed to hold out her hand expectantly, and virgil realized that the youth must have mistook them for social workers from the avian temple. visiting eagles would give treats to young children when they would visit remote settlements.

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The Folks in the Woods, Part 4: Different Worlds

We're scheduled for a home visit next week, to check its 'suitability and livability' or some crap like that, and i already told him there might be some boys in blue along for the ride - purely to protect out social workers, of course, as there've been a spate

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 103 - The girl I once fell in love with...

I mean, i've had sessions with my social worker and talking to her really helped... she told me that i had to think about what makes me smile and act on it...' 'like drawing?' 'yeah, which is why i picked up my pencil again...

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Firefox Chapter 06

Stalking, breaking and entering, arrested, court order, probation with a social worker. every month i tell him that i know saffron is dead. might have gone worse for me if i weren't a burned-out cop everyone felt sorry for."

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X: No Other God Before Me

social worker's gonna come 'round tomorrow with the rest of the paperwork, and, you know, that'll be that..." he trailed off, standing aimless and useless like a green recruit awaiting dismissal.

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The Folks in the Woods, Part 8: Three Bullets, One Hit, Six Impacts

What i am, though, is a social worker, which means that the one thing i am very well-trained at is connecting people with every possible resource the government has available for them.

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A favourite Situation Chapter 17

social workers were all over him to give him a nicer place to live and tell everyone how it was not his fault." "i'm not sure i'm following" spencer said, as he once again felt confusion. "discipline is not what it used to be" thomas said.

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Shooting Star- Chapter 8 A Rousing Good Fight

Those who didn't have any were being escorted to their residence by social workers after they had been cleared. white walls surrounded her with chrome trimmings, and the shiny nature kept her interest for a moment but soon wore off.

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A Rousing Good Fight

Those who didn't have any were being escorted to their residence by social workers after they had been cleared. white walls surrounded her with chrome trimmings, and the shiny nature kept her interest for a moment but soon wore off.

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Jonestown Tea, Fruit Cake

In the background, they could hear cassidy's parents talking to the hospital's social worker, catching bits and parts of the conversation, something about old scars that cassidy had, and what would be best for her.

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Astray - Week Two

So some fucking pencil pusher social workers decided to send him there. out of sight, out of mind." "you're starting to sound like him."

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Diamonds in the Rough - Chapter 1: Dumplings Before Flowers

Part of the job was to case joints like this so he could warn the social workers which ones to keep away from. another part of job was to rescue those that didn't listen to the warnings.

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