The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 1
"ohhh" cyril huffed mockingly "did your well informed kin didn't hear about the moles in the hospital some time ago?
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 1
cyril roared from behind him "don't call me a coward cyril.
Fairy's Brew - Ripening and Release
Inside max rested a condom full of the sperm of cyril, a sylveon with whom he worked at his job in the "fairy's delight" cafe.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 8
cyril presented them a very forced smile, it was radiating with falseness that it was almost blinding.
Two Worlds Collide: Chapter 2
"calm yourself cyril. not all humans were like that," terrador looked at cyril then back at tucker.
Two Worlds Collide: Chapter 3
We have it under control," said cyril. "cyril, we need all the help we can get," interjected volteer.
TLoS: After the war
cyril asked, as he was worried about how hypter would handle the sudden change. "yes, yes, i'm fine cyril, take it easy i won't kill anyone...well maybe volteer if he doesn't shut up." hypter answered, making cyril laugh a little.
Cynder's Infiltration Mission - NSFW
cyril ended his debriefing as cynder nodded. "yes master cyril. oh, and just one thing," cyril raised an eye ridge, wondered what she hadn't understood about his perfectly mastered debriefing. "can you please tell spyro where i'll be going?
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 21
"i think that's enough cyril.
The Elemental Blade: Chapter 9
Turning a corner, he bumped into cyril. "cyril, have you seen spyro, cynder or link?" asked terrador. "no i haven't.
Spyro the Relaxing 2 chapter four
"cyril, do you think that the monsterious mountains was how the dark master returned?" ignitus asked fearing that cyril had the same thing on his mind.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 5
cyril blurt out in between giggles "get some rest spyro" "cyril!" terrador admonished his friend "i'm serious.