Mango and True Speak - 4
Ah, and of course, to cover his bases, "the dolphin girl is single, bi-sexual, and secretly loves to play the submissive role." that should do it. the vixen was stunned by how well the dolphin responded.
With that, the dolphin rolled over and quickly dozed off, thoughts of the orca still playing in his mind. toumal watched the dolphin rush off to his home, eyes glued to the firm rump and tail.
An Afternoon at Sea
The male dolphin didn't answer with words, instead he allowed himself to float closer to the surface now, tyge's member broke through the water into sight of the pup.
Nights at a Zoo
He's always acting like he knows everything. just ignore him, me and the other dolphin will have sex with you" the female dolphin says when the other one leaves. "really" eliza says feeling her pussy swelling, getting ready to take a dolphin cock.
Season 4
The season was changing, but never for the orca, whale and dolphin.
An Aquatic Seduction
"i'm in love with a dolphin" she thought.
New Life, New Friends
I'd say tha-" the dolphin was cut off by another male dolphin entering the room, wearing neat, well kept cloths with several important looking badges on it. the mayor immediately stood up to greet him, loosing his cool demeanour.
Opposite star-cross
In fact, the two rivals seemed to look forward to more hot dolphin action, maybe even playing with each other some day in the future!
Open Ocean
It didn't seem plausible, and i'd been turned dolphin from a dolphin bite. maybe the man had been me, my human self, dead from being cast off years before and returning to limbo with my mate and i.
Gray Ambition
I've beaten plenty of other sharks to a pulp.... you being part dolphin only makes me feel further removed." bullet gruffly grabs gray by his pulverized gut.
It was a dolphin woman, though she was certainly more dolphin that woman.
Shades of Gray
But after the storm was over, your dolphin instincts tried to regain control. but the human section of your mind fought back, and it intensified your dolphin instincts.