Drake the hunter prt3
Plus he didn't carry all the gear and heavy gauntlet that drake did. while running the wind picked up and blew off drakes head. that was the last straw, drake liked that hat and now it was gone.
A Strange World
It had a huge gauntleted fist cratered in the ground, the cement around him was ruined, pulverized by the strength of his arrival.
Chapter 1: Gentle Hands
He sighed and gently inspected his gauntlets, slightly twitching his wrist turning it around into gentle motions checking his gauntlets thoroughly despite their self repairing factors.
Chapter 2 True Sibling Love, A Series of Unexpected Events
As we finished our game of gauntlet we went outside to meet up with father who usually arrives within 10 minutes after a gauntlet game ends.
Halloween with Eblis
To his horror james saw individual metal places coming loose from the gauntlet lit by the hidden phone.
When the gauntlet was loose enough, he shook his hand and the gauntlet fell away to reveal four clawed fingers attached to a green-scaled hand. he experimentally clicked his claws together before shuddering as similar sensations wracked his left hand.
Bronzie feat. Luvian
The lion moved first, voice rising in a shouted "motherfu-" before luvian darted forward, springing like his calves were made of steel like the gauntlets around his wrists and hands.
The Meeting, the Greating, and the Heating (F-side) (Ch.2)
Flamedramon removed his gauntlets and his feet gauntlets as well as his leg guards not removing the one lucario was laying on, he also removed his mask and chest guard. the last to go was the straps on his arms and legs.
Chapter 10: The Most Important Mission
"i am here," said the computer over the gauntlet speaker. "scan the remains of this krazoan and attempt to identify them." "as you wish. stand by." silence.
The Argonian and the Werewolf
A short sleeve chainmail shirt sat under the plating and black gauntlets covered their hands. the fingers of the gauntlets had been removed and green scaly finger stuck out the gauntlets.
Immortal, Chapter 2 - Welcome
A gauntlet of ice, fur, and teeth wrapped around her arm. the pelt of the wolf draped over her like crude armor. "so...i'll be able to do that?" he gasped and shook from the cold radiating off it.
Synchronous Lust #1
Black spandex crawled from his gauntlets and climbed up his arms. it was so tight every thick veins from lan's bulging muscles could be seen in their full glory.