Ghosts of my Past

The ghosts of my past are merely shadows on the wall all the guilt and pain of my life seems like it's trying to snowball in the long, cold years that i've endured i've tried to change but no matter how hard i try it all seems so far out of range  


The Way Of The Golden Ghost

"who's the golden ghost?" i asked aloud to no one in particular. "the golden ghost is a notorious pirate operating on the seas around this land," my father answered.

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Christmas in Ghost Hall

I ended up here at ghost hall - my first job as an ra. at first, i thought i would be miserable. and for a few days, i was.

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Poem #80: Ghost

[creative commons license](]( "ghost" by bhscorch is licensed under a [creative commons attribution-noderivs 3.0 unported license](

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[Cure] Chasing Ghosts

This place is a ghost town... --chase' he responded even as he took to his aching feet to limp towards the meeting place. ba-dum! 'guess that's true -\_- maybe we can just have sex then!

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Bustin' A Sexy Ghost

Mongol, sitting with a sexy Mega Banette he just met, "Hehehe well I always figure that the best way to figure something out is to use your hands." She strokes his inner thigh slowly to tease him. Mongol shudders as she touched him, "Ooh..." ...

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Un-Ghostly Barn

He chased after three female ghosts with everything he had but, it was too late. "why, me, whhhyyyyyyy?!!!" thomas howled at the blackening sky. before he could even receive a response from anyone, let alone anything.

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Benefits of becoming a ghost

.** ** ** **\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** ** ** ** i was a ghost. no, not that kind of scary and bad ghosts!

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A Forge of Heroes - Ghosts

"Ah Kadjul," Svara muttered to himself, as he stood at the top of the hill. "There it is..." Before him, stretching off into the distance, was the massive city of Winterwrath. Once the biggest city in Arlea, Winterwrath was now nothing more than a...

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Ghostly Pest Problems

A ghost! among all the mythical creatures of magic, ghosts were among the most annoying ones.

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Ghostly Cafe Visit

ghostly cafe visit by corntoznex ( submitted for april 16th prompts prompt: write about a character who talks with the ghost of an old friend every week over tea and biscuits.

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Ghostly Cafe Visit

She lapped her warm ghostly milk and sat, grooming herself for a while before saying.

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