The Chasy and the Muzyka

He noticed that they were labeled with both letters and numbers. the one that had just been fed through the music box was labelled "1a". "i'm thinking...these all need to be the correct order." mikhail picked another card up.

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Stupid Girl

All were labeled, some labels she could read as they were in english, others were in latin. she read some of those, but had no idea what animals they were. what was a limax maximus anyway?

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Paying Off Mom 3

The fact that most of them carried the latest iphone wasn't a complete sign that they were wealthy, but the laptop bags with designer labels and the fact that their pockets bulged on one side and one side only told him that they were carrying fat stacks of

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Avonture Cruises — Chapter 1. Welcome Aboard to Avonture Adventures!

I nodded, pressing the button labelled with 8. "yes, it is." i replied with a small smile. to say the bear as huge would be an understatement.

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Model Shop Mayhem

He pulled all the models in the morning, so now all he had to do was box and label them for mailing. the cute wolf boi zoned out as he alternated between bites of his lunch and sticking labels to boxes full of packing foam.

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New Beginnings Ch 13

As normal for scientists, he created labels for each egg. anything requiring research required a label.

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840 On Movie Night

Bread in clear plastic bags, no names or labels (telling detail) is handed about, but in the resulting confusion leo himself is left behind, the nearest grunts assuming he's a civilian (because he's carrying bread and in local clothes) and the civilians assuming

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Sleep deprivation.

Of a few blackened leaves, giving a sticky sheen as he popped them into his muzzle and gave them a few brisk chews before packing the wad into his cheek and spitting into the well-used soda can, long loosing its top to a can opener, and its silk-screened labels

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MACHINE {Diapers}

Three already spinning wheels appeared on the screen, the labels above them reading _laxatives - amount_, _diaper thickness_, and _change diapers_.

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Kedja Resor -- Prologue -- Walking the Path of Chains.

The window had a label. it read: kedja resor. in english, it read: chain travels.

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Shifting 1

The first thing he did as he grabbed the mouse was double click on a shortcut labelled as 'hydra.exe' and double clicked, listening to the fans fire up to full speed as he also brought internet explorer 9 up and rapid fired a few of his favourite forums up
