For Love of Love 1: A Meeting in the Woods

#1 of for love of love _the sword sang on the barren heath, the sickle in the fruitful field the sword he sang a song of death,_ _ but could not make the sickle yield.

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For Love of Love 25: Coming to Terms

#25 of for love of love jamie didn't know what to think about those two men that had came into the sauna when jean and him were together ... thank god she was asleep, he didn't want to upset her with anything else; her life was already complicated enough

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For Love of Love 24: Starting Over

#24 of for love of love jeth giggled a little at kaz. she found the shyness very cute, and started wiggling tightly against him to see how close she could get before pushing him over the edge. "oh, come on, kaz, what is it?" "i ...

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For Love of Love 22: A Day In The Park

#22 of for love of love jes grinned at the thought of jamie working at the spa again; he had told her before that he really didn't want to work there again because of the sketchiness of some of the people that came in; he was no doubt doing it for jean, since

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For Love of Love 20: A Night of Heat

#20 of for love of love "wakie, wakie!" her voice surrounded tom from every possible direction, screaming at him. if anything could wake him up, this could. "wha-what?! wh-who are you...what do you want?"

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New Love, New Type of Love

You either love me, want to mate, or just a nice pokemon, which is it?" hana pushed. "i..., i just never been in love before and i don't know what i'm feeling for you is..., is love?" kuro asked confused. "it is love then." hana said with a grin.

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For Love of Love 28: Coming Danger

#29 of for love of love the comndramon looked around its new surroundings.

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For Love of Love 29: A Fight to Remember

#28 of for love of love "fuck you!" jes' foot swung around and met his chest violently, forcing all the air out of his chest in one loud cough, followed by sharp pain radiating from his chest.

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For Love of Love 27: A Clerimon's Heat

#26 of for love of love tom didn't know why that digimon was here and bothering him, but the fact that it was at least willing to talk to him despite knowing about the things that he did and his fetishes meant that it didn't mind him that much.

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