Kayla: Forces in Movement
Out of sight, velius grinned, slapping his rifle back into both hands.
Te vagy (Halo) [Commission]
Whatever i can find, usually a single assault rifle or a very normal dmr.
A Chimaera tale... pt1
He had an assault rifle in his hand, and he looked surprised. "hands up!" he shouted, levelling the rifle at simba. we complied. "what the hell just happened there?"
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 37-Broken Steel
He charged me with another scream,and once again tried to break my neck with the rifle,i shoved back,pushing him against the wall as the look of fear grew more intense as i bashed him with the rifle again.
Forget me not
I cocked the rifle, and selected semi-automatic mode from the switch plate, i pushed my cheek against the butt of the rifle, i had shot countless of times with this gun in the practice range.
Under Attack
Jenna set the magazines and rifle down, fit the belt on her waist, then attached the ammo. afterward, she stuck one into the rifle and tapped it, then cocked the gun, slinging its strap over her shoulder. "okay..."
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 26
Anders had his rifle above victor's shoulder and fired before he could react. he only now noticed that no one had aimed their rifles at him. it wasn't because they were hoping anders would die; karl was the only one looking for that.
Land of the Lawless: Chapter 2
Diamond ace dropped her rifle, since having it on the mag strip would do no good. she pulled on a section of her boot, a materiknife blade out of the tiny hilt.
Mojave Redemption - Part 7
He quickly slipped the rifle he stole stolen rifle from his back and was preparing to fire when anna and samantha burst into the room. "you said it was happening tomorrow!" anna cried.
Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight p2
Slipping her sniper rifle back onto her back, the vixen pulled her assault rifle to her shoulder, inserting a half spent magazine back into it.
Twokinds Revolutions Chapter 7
They are very large sniper rounds, but they don't have a rifle to fire them. seth, thinking out loud, wondered if he could build a rifle around the bullet. the person taking inventory told seth he should go see franklin marchinko, the gun smith.
Slaughter at Stringybark Creek - Chapter One -
Macgoven swung the butt of his rifle, and constable clanton shrieked, instinctively raising his right forearm in defence, the thick stock of the rifle crunching down and shattering his forearm, driving the screaming kangaroo to his knees as he clutched his