Transcendent Pt.5

Chapter 5: Final test I awoke in my room, I have a slight sense of insanity in my mind, I don't know why but it's there.As the typical day goes I get up, I get dressed, and then I get taken to my testing room today's test took place in testing 021....

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Your God

The world is dying Your God can't save you He will leave you to perish Your God is cruel He will let us die He won't save you Why do you worship him Your God is cruel He created all of our pain He is corrupt Why should we worship...

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A Story Of Transcendent Love: Family Secrets Shared Between Lovers

It is the time of night in the Transcendence world. Two furs are in bed together--snuggling nude under the cinder red covers--and enjoying each other's company. The last few days have been ones of discovery. In the midst of their insanity induced state...

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Good Night

Show me the truth And I'll be a consent spirit If you don't want to then You will face the wrath of an Insane spirit I'll take everything you have And I'll leave you to die You have a price to pay A.k.a honesty Now tell me the truth And I...

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Cross Pollination Part 1

Prelude: The earth slowly dying. All known resources have been lost, and destroyed. Similar to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics we were an economy that was based on the concept of endless growth. And because of our deep desire to grow infinitely we...



Call me by my name It's all I ask For I've been labeled The loser The failure To never fit in with the rest I want fit in To be normal I know that I can't For I am afraid I want to fit in People label others For they think it's funny It's...


How did I fall for you

How can I decode this script When your breaking up my soul I'm losing it now Losing it all the time Your the kind that tricks It's prey into thinking It's okay, and then you kill them off Slowly Slowly killing How did I fall for you When I...

Homeslickness by Whyte Yote (illustrated)

Hector pointed out charlie (the blue-and-white husky), fuery (the brownish-grey dog with glasses), hima (the blonde snow cheetah) and argos (the corgi).

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Book of Changes - 2

After dismissal from the chohmlathais there was breakfast in argos, followed by hashish and opium in turkey, with seconds among the modern states that had risen after the fall of persia.

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Scientifically Seduced

"mmm... but argos-string might be an issue." her tail swayed slightly from side to side now, the pretty dragoness distracted in a way you've never seen before. s: sargon watched her. she had been difficult to break so far.

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Strength and Honor

He then mumbled, "i don't know where you were, but i knew right away what happened after i saw argos show you your wolf form." james stared into alo's eyes, "you... lost me?" he said in surprise.

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Confederacy of the Red Nebula

Invasion broken after three years of skirmishes; grunikans retreat 80 pcf expansion year; confederacy moves into uncharted areas 82 pcf trident iv colonized 91 pcf trident iv declared tapped-out of resources 92 pcf trident iv de-colonized 93 pcf argo

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