Beauty and the Beast
Let's let this big beast play a while, yes?" sirius briefly bit his lower lip, he didn't know that theodore could be any hotter and sexier than he already is, but here he was doing and saying stuff like that.
Beast Without
Only the front toes advanced forward, the pinky and big toe regressed, becoming quickly dominated by a charcoal grey nail expanding into hoof segments of a cloven hooved beast!
Beast Of Bling
Sacred mounts and elephantine gods- the visage of these beasts is deeply ingrained on this country.
The Legendary Beasts
If anyone else could use conceal status then it would easy for dangerous people to walk in._ "master of legendary beasts?!
This Belle is a Beast!
Though her body was that of a beast, her cock remained what she figured was relatively human-shaped, though proportionate to the dimensions her beast now occupied.
Brook and the Beast
His body was still pinned underneath the large wolverine, the weight keeping him in place, at the mercy of the beast's actions.
Facing the Beast
I guess they don't become beasts of legends if they were easy to catch, huh?
Control of Beasts
Control of beasts a wild garurumon was walking through a forest one day, a bit exhausted from his battle with seadramon 10 minutes earlier.
The Beauty and The Beast
It was a word that meant strange beast. it was a word that was feared by many, admired by some. in 1954, the most powerful kaiju was awakened, after a nuclear submarine awakened the beast.
The Beast Inside
Was good to smell like a beast of a man again.
The Beast Within
"she was not the only one howling like a beast last night." a knowing smirk rose from his well groomed face. with a smirk they silently agreed to eat before discussing it any further.
Sating the Beast
The beast's mercy.