Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure: Background Information 7 Magic and Science - Sources of Power, Sources of Corruption

Twilight sparkle, for example, is a classic gygaxian wizard. so are evil-lyn and skeletor, and toriel and bowser also fall into this category.

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Judge's Chambers

Off to the side of his office, an antique record player was playing classical music to bring some calming sounds to the air.

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Power to the Players [3]: The Beginning

It was so classic with a plain, crisp white shade the seemed to glow against the backdrop of her warm red and brown toned fur.

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#14 - A Novel Romance

That's classic literature. _a tale of two cities."_ **romari:** \*looks at it again\* "really? i _thought_ it was rather thick for porn. damned _'adult'_ book club. first the fiasco with _moby dick,_ and now this.

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Gamer Girl

Old favorites or new classics? do you hold on to your memories for as long as possible or exchange them so you can make new ones? do you stick to what you know or crave the chance to try something different?

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Jack the pig

The greywolves watched the classic movie baconator 2 with the new neighbor jack the pig. yellow scratched loadedgun ''is this alright? you know this is like a horror movie for him right? loadedgun shook his head ''its hilarious.

The Short (and ongoing) Tale of Otterbear Inc. Chapter 1

I was origionally going to make the minecraft factory on a modpack called tekkit (now tekkit classic). however, i couldn't find a decent server. so i decided to go onto ordinary minecraft. i quickly found an excellent server, sofurry.

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Mage Classes

Templars: the elite of the mage world, they train in all types of magic to use in battle and are similar to the classic fantasy class spell-sword.


Piercing the Swordsman: Prologue

Dive into a world where classic themes like 'family' and 'true love' are fondly pulled apart and put under a magnifying glass. the animals, despite having tails, using magic, and being concerned over high-power politics, are a lot like you and me.

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chapter 10: books and maps

There was novel's, mystery's and romantic, drama and couple of the classic's . there was couple books about words, history's and my personal fav is learning about the stars and moon.

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Shifting Plans

Hank put his paw on the boy's shoulder as he said, "there is only one thing lilly will care about, the classic look. at least from the outside. for squeaker, music and art. if you can do something with that she will love you forever."

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Saints and Sinners

Murrs of delight mixed with a chorus of moans, cries, grunts and chirrs while, above all, the strains of gentle classical music drifted.

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