A Long, Dark Road (Part 8)

"maester harkon still fights," aric said in his odd, distorted voice, "though the loss of wien has... weakened the movement."

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Victini's Love chapter 17

The mismagious declared as she created a portal directly to the distortion world. great golden tipped claws formed from the portal as she pulled the now terrified ice type into the distortion world. "m-master arthur i-i'm sorry if i hadn't missed..."

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Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 34

There was muffled conversation, which, with the distortion was even less comprehensible than normal. "how long will it take you to get there?" "how the fuck should i know?

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Berry Thief

The molars pressing on either side of his babymakers, distorting their contents, the pressure increasing. charmander was suprised to find that the pain was dulled somewhat, likely because of the cut off circulation.

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My Very Own Lith Ch. 1

(apparently i lost her with the void being too much of nothing to be distorted to be considered space...but not many people get me.)

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Twilight: Bella Ties the Knot with Paul

Her belly swelled as her womb distended, forcing her frail body to distort to accommodate this new feeling. she watched her stomach expand until she looked to be months pregnant.

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Pony in the Pillory chapter 1

"and remember she can't tell who anypony is because of the earmuff voice distorter, and the blindfold, so don't give away your identity if you don't want to."

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When The Hypno Kicks In [Comm]

Her bottom distorted slightly, bulging outwards and then sagging downwards as she pooped. so came the torrent, a flood gushing into the front of her patiently waiting diaper front as she fully relieved herself.

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Clarity of Purpose (Welded Sunset)

~ unable to hear the details of events below from this distance, the eagle focused on the portions of the badger mech that were not the glimmering stripes of distortion along her length, and it became apparent that getting to somewhere

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Passion at the Mountains

To see their bodies broken, their features distorted, their limbs rearranged, their tendons fine strings for an eldritch instrument only a twisted mind could comprehend.

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Chapter 1

Instead of a normal sized slice, a portal was visible, that showed what looked like another version of the same place, but slightly distorted, like ripples in a pond.

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Day 5 of Hypnovember: Sci-fi/Machines

And grunted when zane's body distorted, matching the ideal body he was craving to have. and the pose. submit. the more he looked at the dragon, the more attractive he appeared to him. surrender. he was strong and muscular.

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