Twin's Fate: Forever and Always
She whispered softly and smoothed her fingers down her twin's neck lightly. "no matter where i go or who takes me into his harem, you will always be my first and my twin." "always."
Code of Dishonor: Twin Destinies
The gift of the beast lord is liberating you, helping you to see our twin destinies." ice horn said, reaching down to stroke his shaft, looking up at his brother, "make love to me." he said. alto grunted, feeling torn.
TWIN LOVERS by Ked Fernandez
"twin lovers" an anthro-erotic tale written by ked fernandez it was innocence between them that lead them into the realm of their sexualities as it always does in both the animal and human psyche.
The Wyrmvault Twins: After the Job
He gazed at the dagger for a moment before looking back to his twin.
Deejay and the Tag-Team Twins
From behind destiny, brittany reached around groping hungrily at her twin's breasts.
Twin Shadows(chapter 1)
#1 of twin shadows this story tells of how shyde and rhyna met. they are my two role play characters. (this is the post revision by felldewan) it was many, many, many untold years ago during the ancient era of humanity's existence.
Twins Take the Spot-light
Here's a story that didn't take place in a zoo, nor a game park, nor in the wild. In fact, I'm sure you will never guess until after I tell you, at which point it will be moot. One of my classmates from high school went on to be a...
Twin's Fate: Fawns' Birth
#1 of twin's fate on the edge of the glittering blue green ocean, a city rose and spread out on the banks of twin rivers that led inland.
Twin's story(Part 1)
Although they were twins, they looked nothing alike, lero took after their father and was a dark furred wolf, miseray on the other hand looked exactly like their mother, a white and red furred husky, personality-wise, you could tell that they were twins, they
Taboo Twins (Snip its)
(other parts to be added) the morning after they both had calm down, things had gone back to pretty much normal, and both of the twin's were up late after their family had left for the day.
Desolation: The Vanguard II: The Twins
#6 of desolation desolation: the vanguard chapter ii: the twins by von krieger desolation: the vanguard chapter ii: the twins by von krieger li's sister moaned softly and shifted beneath her, responding to the soft kisses upon her breast.
Twin Locks 3 (Commission)
#67 of commissions at the behest of his twin brother, elijah finds himself getting a session at a beauty parlor. gotta look good for a frat party, especially if he wants to get everyone hard. a commission for joelfelia.