Only the faintest murring could be heard as the apparatus milked her. "well? how's it feel?" lacey asked. "i--i--i--i--i was not expecting...this--this..." jen managed to stammer out. her reply was met with bouts of laughter from the other females.
Borderlands - Bullymong Blight
A female voice declared in an all too pleasant tone, "proceed to the assigned coordinates and activate the hyperion apparatus of testing.
The Ant Hill
Self-contained underground breathing apparatus. hehe,'_ she chuckled to herself. _'or, if you don't mind, how about "blowjob" apparatus?'_ "voot~" it understood her allusion and started to insert its penis back into her mouth.
Pathers' Desire
Amanda and claire were already waiting impatiently for the boys to return with the apparatus all in set. "what's taking you guys so long?" "nothing, now let's make some magic." wilfred replied.
Flesh and Blood - Act 1
Jessica led lucas into a room with a computer terminal and a strange looking apparatus. this apparatus was like a chamber of sorts that looked as though it might contain something large. "are you familiar with the gen-robots?"
Singularity - Part I
Reaching into a case at his side and pulling out part of a larger breathing apparatus he pressed, "sure you're alright though?" "no, i'm fine i guess.
StarFuck's Adventures: The Beginning!
Then he stood and waved a claw as he approached the fox who was being led to the apparatus. it looked like a black rubber bed, warped from being left out in the sun.
Finding His Place
At the edge of each was a small metal ring, which the apparatus remained attached to for the time being. each stuffed gauntlet had the pattern of a paw print upon it, raised and rough to give traction.
Incubation, Chapter 3
Andy saw an apparatus holding several vials. he wordlessly reached above him, grasping a long, medium-thick vial filled with yet another strange, red-colored liquid. the smell of the sealed opening reminded him of exotic flowers.
The End
He had connected the apparatus to the cable and strapped it about my head and neck like a muzzle. it was uncomfortable; my lungs swelled, then collapsed as they were inflated and deflated mechanically.
Personal Trainer
Therein were a couple of machines that at first glance appeared to be some kind of workout apparatus. the stallion closed and locked the door behind them and returned to the boy. "welcome to my office." "how do i use these things?
Uploaded, a Hc Svnt Dracones fanfic
After another ten minutes the "ready to grow" signal arrived and the apparatus automatically applied a localized electrical shock that stopped her circulatory system dead. --- "-long".