Volume 5 Scurvy dogs

Janice murmured her crosshairs on polly. the patient sniper breathed out and squeezed the trigger. the recoil of the rifle and the sound of it firing was music to janice's ears.

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I place the crosshairs over the target. time seems to slow as i gently squeeze the trigger. the man begins to chastize his bodyguard for the delay as he lights a cigarette, unaware that his life is about to end.

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That White Stuff

With an eager lick of his lips, the doberman brought a digit down to caress around the tail-ring of his aroused mate, circling like a shark, veering close for a teasing nip at the pucker that was caught in the crosshairs of their predator intentions.

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Galactic Conflict: Training Day

The crosshairs lined up on the repeater, and i held my breath as i squeezed the trigger. the rifle jumped into my shoulder, and i saw a spark indicating that the repeater was out of action. the defenders soon took cover, and i gave a curse.

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Leaders and Lovers - Chapter 4

Guns had i.d locks on them, and as this was a seperatist weapon it could not synchronize with his armor, meaning that no crosshair appeared on his visor.

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Guardians: Chapter Five

Alyx put his crosshairs up and to the right of a gunner's head on the gunship, "fire at will." his shot rang out first and the human that had been on the gun fell at the same time the sam launchers began firing swarm missiles.

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The curse Spreads

Her eyes changed color to an intimidating crimson as her pupils changed into thin crosshairs. the whites becoming violet and viciously sharp fangs replace the once pikachu canines.

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Star Hopper chapter 16

He moved the courser with the stick trying to fit the ship in the crosshair. the station shook again as another shot ripped through it. ian stumbled but quickly regained his stance and hit the fire button.

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Krystal and Chase: Reunion P1

Krystal got the head of the robotic parasite in her crosshairs. one shot was all she'd need if it stayed still. if she missed, the vixen still had five rounds after this one to put into the aparoid before it could run.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 139: The Most Scariest Thing Of All (All Of Our Tomorrows Were Yesterday Part One)

"line up the crosshairs you see on the windshield over your target with the thumbpad and then press the button next to it." i advised. **_\*bola engaged.\*_** a spinning rope discharged from the left side-pod wrapping around the akita's legs.

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Chapter 2: Krystal

The vixen thumbed the ship's guns, opening up on the first enemy to enter her crosshairs. "falco, you'd better hurry or i won't leave you any targets!" "oh, i'm gonna bring the fire, sister. you just wait and see, girl."

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Commission: Alpha Claim

For a youthful werewolf, he was quite the titan...and unfortunately, vern found himself very much in his crosshairs, and scarcely had time to react before he was rushed again. "whoa, hey, wait-!"

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