OSAT: Chapter 2: The curious and the girly-boy

But i do believe that his parents are on board and that's where i would like him to go. is that alright with you, honey?" bernard's green eyes sparkled and he laughed before nodding happily. "of course, of course, my dear. as you wish."

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Prime Bearing - Chapter 2

Once he made his way home he stops in the driveway and with the flick of a foot kicks his Skate Board in the air and snatches it quickly. He moves over to the garage and opens the little side door to put his Skate Board on the shelf to the left of the...

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 15 the tournament

The Legend of Spyro Legend of the black dragon Chapter 15 the tournament A pink dragoness woke up and stretched her body. Her room was the same as ever. It had a dark blue floor and light blue walls. On the walls were star patters of darker...

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Megan and Beau <3

"my parents were fighting and i couldn't stay there," she said at last. "and nobody else would come to get me. so i found your number," beau nodded. "is there anything i can do for you?" she looked at him, eyes glistening in the early light.

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Motherly Tests and Trials

Seeing the fury building in Kyuri's eyes I had to do something before things got out of hand. "Why, don't we take this back to the house as not to ruin the celebration. After all its bad manners to argue during a wedding reception party, so shall we."...

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Whispering Twins (Part 5)

He didn't stop gaming until their parents came home, deciding then was a good time to hide in his room and do some home work so he avoided an argument with henry.

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Todd's Senior Prom (Part 7- Finale)

'my parents have a couple they don't use; i bet i can bargain one off them. and i'll teach him.' 'yes,' my mother said. 'the fox who stole a car is going to teach my son to drive. and his parents will simply give a car away so he can do it.

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Akio's House (Part 3)

Their parents looked at them as if in shock that they knew what the expression meant. my mum, she just put her hands on her hips and smiled.

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Chapter 1: Goodbye Willowdale

Flora's parents dropped her back at her dorm and went to their hotel. they would have breakfast together in the morning before her parents went home.

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In this snippet of mug's post campaign life we see him dealing with long buried feelings of anger with his family, confronting his own failings that kept him away for so many years, as well as finding out the fate of his parents.

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Christmas Morning 2

Christmas Morning (part 2) Story & Characters (c) Chaia BlackFang Continued from part one, this contains everything the first story did and some other stuff. It gets kind of messy towards the end, so if you don't like scat, my apologies! Enjoy! David...

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Chapter 1: Wetness and Illness

I guess i love toby in the same way one would love their parents, which is good because i don't have any parents, the reason toby took me in.

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