The Chance to Explore: Part 9 Pit Stop!!

Pit-stop! amongst his people, claiming that one could die happy was considered very bad luck.

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A Thin Line - Part Six: Stop at Nothing

None of that mattered though because damien could not stop the bleeding. it was a stationary race against time. the sirens outside were getting closer, but not close enough.

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Jacks Tail: Chapter-14 Rest Stop

But can you please stop making that noise?" one of my hands is suddenly grabbed by patrick's as soon as he speaks up. it's a gentle but firm grip and its obvious that he wants me to stop now despite the polite wording of his statement. okay, i'll stop.

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Paws, Slow Down, Stop - Chapter 6

The final chapter of paws, slow down, stop, a commission written for the inimitable and ever-generous, klaus doberman. enjoy!

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The Space Bimbo 6: A Pit-Stop Perk

#7 of the space bimbo well, you figure that weird things happen when you stop for fuel, and that's in our normal world.

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Maybe Stop Telling This Man What He Wants

"Man wants but little here below Nor wants that little long." How often hath that platitude Been strangled into song? By men who do not want, but have Their little and their more. In rhymes perforce, in meter bad, They serve it to the poor. ...

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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Ember

- sapphire how i learned to stop worrying and love ember by sapphire, kind of! hee! mistress doesn't know i'm posting this!

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Chapter 21: Don't Ever Stop Loving Me

"don't ever stop loving me, babe," loryn whispered. "i don't know what i would do if you did!"

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Kharok adventures part 1: It's unwise to stop anywhere.

Then the dwarf with wet sandals came and yelled at his brothers who stopped teasing kharok. he approached the cage and slipped a foot through the bars: "give you a last chance, pig!"

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New Beginnings and dead ends 13 : "Stop the pain."

stop the pain, it hurts. why does it hurt so bad?" he screamed crying as i held him there. he just stayed balled up all i could do was watch him squirm in agony and wait. his body started growing very slowly maybe only an inchin both hieght and width.

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