Breaching the Surface (TTW pt. 6)
The gator could only lean back in shock, blinking in disbelief. a sudden kiss. an odd sense of irony struck the gator as memories from their date sprang up. "ah."
Part 2: Gator Sleepover
Bill knew aldo was just trying to be polite, but he felt bad that his couch just seemed so inadequate as an alligator bed.
Reunions Part 4
Finding the gator cute, ricky smiled. the gator went by the handle bgreen223, and the profile stated that he was 23. interests included food followed by games and working out, two of those ricky and the gator had in common.
Wet in the Fourth Quarter
The large gator lowered his muzzle and charged straight to the line of scrimmage. when he went into formation, the gator felt the urge increasing rapidly. he felt his bladder filling up.
(Carbon) Dating Lessons
It was a stupid question, but the gator didn't seem to mind it. the poor gator nodded rapidly in response. "well...yeah. you're huge...really nice looking face, your friend too.
Private Brady's 'Private' Mishap
The gator admired the sight of that cage while speaking with authority.
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Pleasure Island and the Pyramid Casino
([\_]( - look a lot more wicked than they are, mostly inspired by lust ben ali gator ([\_ali\_gator](
The yeen and the pocketwatch - 1. A skeptic's way
The alligator asked, his grin widening. he brought out his classic, golden pocketwatch and let it dangle in front of slate's eyes.
Tuck's Probation(And How He Almost Got Fired)
#4 of the adventures of a gator with a pussy i went ahead and turned a simple one-shot series about a gator picking up random hitchhikers and getting them to fuck him till they're dry into a story about a mortal gator with some thick pussy lips who comes
Corporate Drone
"you are," the alligator's voice said insistently. "you are worthwhile. you are valued. you are wanted." another wave of elation spread through james's mind as the alligator continued to talk.
Corruption of the shadow
You want the bad gator. okay, will be my pleasure to fill your ass with this ..." the gator showed him the tool will use.
Liquid Lunch
The alligator skimmed quickly over the mess of notes, before pulling two dusty, aged volumes out of his backpack.