
"i got nothing else better to do since that asshat got me suspended." deloris balled her fists and wanted to say something but let it go. "i'll call you when i'm ready." "fine."

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Twilight Of The Gods (Chapter 1, Act1, Book2)

"great, who are these asshats?" donovan closed his hand into a fist. "by his blood, young lady, they have flamethrowers - we are outnumbered." he clenched his fist tightly. donovan's shadow cocoon crushed the mercenary at the center of the room.

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Recovery Efforts (Part 1)

"that was philips, my asshat tentmate." "well, if you're in the market for new accommodation, i know a tent with an empty cot." he looked down at her. "oh? that so?"

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Deck the Howls

"you asshat! you total scumbag! you couldn't stand that i have a cuter boyfriend, so you went and slept with him!" "hey! josé's plenty cute." "then why didn't you sleep with _him_? huh? you are such an _ass_, jeff."

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Put Another Bun in the Oven

"you are an asshat, a failure, a shit faced mother fucker! i cannot believe you! you did this to us! to me! you got me covered in semen..."

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 3

"these are _not_terran military, asshat," he replied with typical decorum, "they're all mercs. not _just_mercs, of course...but all human companies, too. each one with a pretty nasty reputation towards anthros, in fact.

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Pox Party

He was always kind of an asshat and had never paid for a meal if he could coax someone else into picking up the check. that sort of utter malevolence guaranteed todd a spot as either a financial planning consultant or an evil sorcerer's apprentice.

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Baramon - Episode 2

"father is a total asshat that kicked us out as a kid and never did _anything_for us. name's fillmore west." _"hey!"_ hiro cried. an immense force suddenly launched him out from beneath the surface of the waters and back into control of their body.

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James and the Giant Stallion's Tiny Huge Christmas

He's open to everything, and he and nigel can't get enough of each other, even since back before jake's shape was changed by that asshat of a tooth fairy.""wow!  jake messed around with a reindeer even when he was man-shaped?"

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Layers: Predator and Prey

But ya can do _way_ better than living under that asshat. fuck, i bet ya can open yer own firm an' make more money than 'im." "you've said that before." "cuz i mean it. i mean, look at it this way, brian.

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Red Hypergiant (Act 2) - All Pain Is Gone

"what an asshat." she muttered, still trying to relax with the morphine in her system. but the doctor just lightly shook his head.

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