Spike had thought of an excuse to barely be there past receiving his award, as he did anytime he received something.
"The Thin Line," Part A
This particular story was nominated for (but did not win) an ursa major award for 2013. _(author's note: this story was originally published in serial format.
Soft Like Snow- Ch.1
Across his chest he had many badges and awards, granted to by his father for the battles he won during the war.
The new kid
An average student at best with no particular sporting talents to boast of and being fairly chubby even by american standards, he knew that none of these awards or commendations would really affect him.
Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen part 20
There was an awarded time, in till i decide to speak up again. " um i sorry on what my kind, had did to you back there ." i said to her,seeing what she would do. " it ok ,but why do you kind ,do this to us. " she replied, a bit angrily to me.
An Age Unbecoming Pt 1
But perhaps where the award was located was more to her pride than the award itself.
The Ultimate Man- Chapter 9
It was not too much later that the teams started moving back in, the awards ceremony beginning to start. moving up to pike to help present awards, i started off for everyone, catching pike by surprise.
Pink and Ruger: Introducing the Outlook Rangers
Howard "ruger" piecemeal had to duck a bit to fit through the door, the stocky black siberian husky taking a couple steps into my office and looking around at my shelves of management and training awards with thinly veiled suspicion. "hey!"
Risqué on the Ripper (preview)
Giving the hovering camera an award-winning smile, tag leaned over the car's windshield with his bare ass presenting, then looked away to pretend he was inspecting the ripper's paint job.
Various awards and documents of certification were framed and hung on the walls, and a window let in the early morning sunshine. the doctor was seated at a desk in one corner, making notes on a clipboard as he read.
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 2
(cut to the outside of a house in the middle of a storm, with award-bait music playing in the background, before cutting to the inside, where we see a bunch of old portraits of a grey male rabbit, a significantly younger, and blue-furred male rabbit
TCN interview: Byron Orr
It garnered a dozen awards from safety organization for helping keep people safe. what has been your greatest accomplishment: never getting caught.