High Latitude Hospitality 2
Back in warmer climates, he had not been nearly as successful in soliciting interest in intimacy.
Dottie (2022)
The early morning air was still cool, and the sky took on a periwinkle color, with not a cloud in sight. dew glistened in the lush green grass that swayed in a breeze. spring was in full bloom on a perfect end of may day.
Zootopia: Brave New World - The Bear, the Shrew, and the Raccoon
"gunshots were heard in an area in the north of tundratown. two officers went in there to investigate, and they found out two polar bears in an alley. one of them was unconscious with minor injuries, but... the other one was dead."
Furtasia: Thladiran Language
**a a -** traditional 'a' sound as read in most languages other than english. such as heard in "ah", "ha", and "lah". also the same vowel heard in words such as "stop", "shop", "plot". **á á -** short 'a' sound as usually heard in american english.
Look What Big Daddy Found? 2
"let's see what i can find in here that's interesting." said the boy in his mature voice.
Of Wild Flowers and the Knots Inbetween
She asks noting the awkward shifting in my step, "well don't worry we'll be home in no time."
Captive, Pet, Lover
He stands in the middle of the room stripping off his loincloth in a seductive fashion.
Hands-on Fieldwork
She looked quite out of place here in the woods, in a knee length black skirt and green blouse with her gray-flecked black hair tied back in a neat bun.
Prince of the Hill 7
The entire paper mache construct became engulfed in flames as everyone in the audience cried out in surprise. for a moment, the fiery piñata lit up the stage and cast a fiery glow over everyone in the audience.
All Dolled Up: Delivery Part 2
His eyes went wide in surprise.
Chapter 20 Realignments
She wiggled helplessly in his arm, curvy body twisting in delight, lashes fluttering.