Liath's Beginning.

Her position in the mortal realm was untenable, but living on the edge of mortality would not alter her world; it was a reasonable path. although, liath's grasp on reality was tenuous on even her best days.

The Tale for everyone's Dream and Desire

Lo-lah gasped as she saw olympus closing in on the advanced, but vulnerable mortal settlement. as deities, they could choose to be invisible to mortals, and given the lack of resistance or panic from the mortal city, lo-lah's fear was confirmed.

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The Holy Mountain of Vengeance

(and patience is a virtue, i have heard, that he does cherish,) enlightenment, serenity, and non-cooperation, but i am mortal coren. and we mortals have less options.

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What Comes After

For bearing the burden no mortal ever could." the jackal said nothing.

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Musius & Lyricia

True to the legend, the forest of whispers promotes anxiety through any mortal who dares to trek through its dis-glory, leaving them an indiscretional maze of their own thoughts; any sound from any mortal's mouth would ring through the forest, building strength

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The Good Die Young - Preface

Death would have been far too kind of a punishment, so instead immortality was given to the mortal.

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The dog and the cuttlefish

How fast he shifted from an agent of divine retribution to a medic to a cuddly dog never ceased to amuse mortals.

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Love (Alisa: 01)

She had fallen in love with the mortal. or at least she believed she had. she didn't know if her kind was truly capable of love. perhaps what she felt was not the same thing mortals felt. she expected she would never know, for her time was short.

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Temple of the Exiled God - Part Four

#4 of temple of the exiled god when two mortals free a deity from thousands of years of torment, his gratitude is more than they ever could have hoped for.

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The Eternal Forest - Chapter IV

The mortal child had no fear of him. reprobus' suddenly thought back to all the mortal children he had consumed after the fall of pydna. the child's innocence, his boundless trust jostled the once unrepentant monster.

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Clean-up Duty

You have guts, little mortal. are you a rat? you smell like a rat. i did not know the mortals had mingled with the ratfolk. most curious!"

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