[Teebs13] Symbiotic Ascension
_"vuul-khan our master... the lord of war... the saviour of us all... the one who perished for us... he will be reborn...
My letter
My original family mourned over my death as i was reborn in the human world, as something i recognised. a human house made of stone and cement.
Part 4: The broken world
In one of these sanctuaries, sanctuary 25, d.r.i.a.s. was reborn....designated as project xa25, an experimental adaptation of the reaper virus._
I Am
In his arms, and anew, reborn. stolen. spirited away, clutched, concealed and stowed, somewhere dark, cramped, sealed, on the road. soon, a home, a place to roam, i'm his dragon; a pet, a friend, alive, i am... saved.
Halloween in Devout America
Especially in 1997, when the country was officially reorganized into the devout states of america, a nation reborn under god. the revenant party and its leaders weren't stupid, however.
Life as a teen aged witch. Chapter 1: school starts
She replys "the goddes dah~" sam "wrong, its the lady, the mother, and the crone." kaela "no its just the goddes." sam "sam, im a wiccan, its more than one god, the god dies at samhine and is reborn on yule, the mother gives birth, being mother earth
The Damned Series-Prologue
Tayu tried to tell himself, that they didn't really die, that they'd just be reborn as an egg. but the feeling never left him, hard as he'd tried to block it out...
Enticing Darkness Reborn - First three chapters -Updated
#1 of enticing darkness reborn updated, added another bit to chapter 3 again this is old and the 3rd novel in my lazorain series chapter 1 dark enticement reborn strong, masculine hands caressed her, his body possessed hers, his mind withheld hers, this
Heritage of the Blood Ch.02 - New Beginnings and Awakening
Your father was a reborn elf... a pureblood. all elves have some dragon's blood in them. if just a slight trace. that is what renders them immortal, rather than just long lived.
The Rise of The hero of Galorian
I looked upon myself and realized... that scared little child is dead... that i have been reborn. i stared for a long time at the mirror, and then i decided.
The Last Refuge, Chapter 1: A whole new dawn
In fact, the reason he was reborn is as far as i know rather unique, and i haven't seen it used in any other story before (yes. shameless self-advertisement here :p). i hoped that you enjoyed my first story.
Chapter 61: Family Reunion.
"i'm sorry for your lost but do not worry about soul, i'm sure that his data will stream back here and reborn again." al cries grew louder because that will never happened. she and kumamon wanted to cheer him up but he couldn't face them.