Psyched up to meet Momma

Jason, Champ and Miguel strolled into the town of Fluaton. The Scyther's attitude had changed dramatically since capture. The two free walking Pokèmon looked around and talked amongst themselves as their trainer led them to a PokèCenter. There, Jason...

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The Inescapable Us - Chapter 4

Dew let the autumn wind dry the rest of his fur as he walked to the_Celephaïs_. It was six in the evening. The sun shone down the main street, already making its way down the horizon. It painted the city in a warm and cosy light. The sign of the hobby...

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ch.01 The cost of war

Thunder crashes, storms darken the skies of the earth while far above a battle rages on. "Sir our left flank is being overrun we need reinforcements" a messenger pants out as he lands on one knee exhausted, his tawny wings folding. The commander looks...

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Demon willing to kill

Joshua D Williams 4 Mr. Carver Technical Writing Willing killer Our story starts and ends in a city called....Mirelurk. Rated A and !7+ Mirelurk is a calm and quiet city were rarely anything happens ever since the killing.... In the month of...

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The lost pride..

_Is changing for the better or just another reason to be caged forever..._ _She asked that i take two steps forward and say a pledge, _ _I did as told and she wasn't sober she took her time to push me over the edge_ _ _ _I tried leaving, walking,...

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Invisible Ink 2: The Suit Part 1

Being a pure-hearted 17-year-old, the epitome of innocence, it's inconceivable that i would upload content that contains mild violence or sexual themes. look for them both on my other accounts. as the title suggests, there are multiple parts to the suit.

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Coyote and the Wolf, part 2

# "Coyote and the Wolf" part 2 An intense light was disturbing Ku'o's rest, and a massive weight was pressing on his chest. "What the.....?"he tried to open one eye to see, but that blasted light shot lances of pain into his head. He raised his arm...

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An Unexpected Adventure Ch. 1: It Begins

I of course do not own Pokemon or anything to do with pokemon. It is all the property of Gamefreak. This is my first ever story. Feedback would be nice. A lot of explaining and ect. done in this chapter, but I promise it will pick up. And I double...

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Cub of Destiny I: From Rogue to Guardian

_Journey back to where it all began... With a little cub named Meric, and a magnificient kingdom known as the Pridelands._ **Author's note:** (PLEASE SEE MY LATEST JOURNAL FOR NOTES!) **Legal stuff:** All TLK characters, places, as well as the...

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Not So Retired Any More II

Okay here comes Chapter 2 Critique is very welcome. Also: Adult story! Ye be warned! Dead furs tell no tales (Except in CSI: Furry)! Chapter 2 - Fate and Antagonists A flash, then more blackness. The smell of...

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Windswept and Love-struck, Ch 2 The Hatching

This is the (slightly edited) transcript of a Pern RP between Myre and myself. It is ongoing and I'll likely continue publishing chapters as we go along. The story takes place at the end of the Eighth Pass, just before the Long Interval, and follows...

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Sollus' Adventures Part 1: Beginnings

The Adventures of Sollus Dellager _Part 1: Beginnings_ There once was a dragon named Sollus Dellager. He lived high in the mountains overlooking a forest and a small village, called Temaria. Sollus was a peaceful dragon; he never bothered any of...

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