Pheasant Hunt 10 - Antelope
She fell fowards, managed to put her hands on the ground, to keep her on all four. then her upper body sank down as he arms lost strength. her buttocks spread even more like that, and the deadly arrow was forced even deeper into her body.
Chapter 12 Part 1: The Results
Before they stood at hip level when they were on all four and his chest on two, now they stood at his chest and towered over him on their feet by several inches. they stopped and stood their two back legs as they looked at him.
Digimon: Gatomon's Frustration (Comic script)
Gatomon stays on all four, trembling and crying in delight. **sound fx:** gush, gush, jet! panel 3: quarter-page panel, gatomon slumps forward onto her tummy, while agumon falls to his knees and keeps jetting over her.
An Umbreon Named Sorrow- Chapter 1
Not having much choice the umbreon gets back up on all four shaking legs but doesn't understand what is happening until he can feel the impressive weight of the mightyena rear up onto him.
Part VI - These Waters That Reflect No Stars
It might have been will's slow deliberate intensity, it might have been the knowledge of what he was being prepared for, it might have been both, but leo, on hands and knees, was left moaning and whimpering at even the slightest motion of the coyote's fingertips
Eventful Beginnings 1
Without much more effort, his whole body stiffened and the tentacles forced his body down onto the floor on all four paws.
1: Two Amulets
Yumai hestitated a bit as she scampered off into the darkness on all four paws, with takace following, she had to prove herself.
Wolf Unbound - Act I
It feels natural, second nature to him as he starts to walk and then begins to trot on all four paws. soon he is sprinting across like this, shifting his body weigh as he lifts off the ground each time he pushes himself forward.
Anal Glands
Riley wanted to retort, but the coach gave him one of his famous death stares, so the pup gulped and kneeled on all four in a bench. as he did he started twerking, eliciting laughter from the other kids.
Afanc – Tribute
Her people had tied her up on hands and knees, naked. they had given her to the afanc, a fearsome creature that ruled the waterways of her village. the afanc demanded tribute.
Dining with the Sky
The coils around the avian unravelled a little more, letting him crawl out, on hands and knees, onto the cobra's thick tail. "now, good preybirdss were tending to masster to be allowed to sswallow..."
Sonnet Redouble
My body now prepared, i knelt and crawled on hands and knees, enticing him once more. he licked my virgin hole; i was enthralled by how he probed me to my very core.