That One Night at Camp
All the camp was still fast asleep - all save for himself and at least one other. the slow pace was agonizing and it took him the better part of five minutes to cross the camp, but eric soon found himself coming up to the slightly illuminated tent.
SSS: Camping trip
My school decided to send my class on a camping trip. by my class of course i meant the kids who failed gym. as if i really wanted to pass in the first place. this camping trip was their idea of summer school by the looks of it.
Cindy Goes To Camp
Good camp, and congrats on making it!"
What Happens at Camp
"i guess what happens at camp stays at camp!"
A Sluggish revenge at camp
It would be a nice touch for this as he also had managed to get one of the only pieces of technology in this entire camp. a camera used to commemorate each year's camp was there to be used to take the picture of the scouts.
Hermaphrodite Summer Camp
#8 of herm stuff the young pit bull deborah goes to a special summer camp for hermaphrodites, in a fictional universe in which heat hits all species at the same time.
Camping Trip, pt2
When Ben woke up the next morning, the first thing he noticed was the taste of cum still in his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw Cody sleeping, a white crusty substance on his mouth. Yeah, Ben thought, not a dream, we sucked on each other last night....
An Interrupted Camping Trip
I was finally going camping for the first time in years. i was looking forward to all the relaxing i was going to accomplish this weekend.
A Were Camping Trip
"so, this is the camp site," charles said to his one-block-down-neighbor phil the wolf-man. another car had pulled up. out of it, came another wolf, this one a woman, and a cat-man. damn. he would have loved to have been a cat-man.
Summer Camping 2
This wasn't an adult summer camp anymore, this was his personal breeding camp to fulfill every dirty fantasy he wanted. he didn't want to stop having sex for a single moment.
Summer Camping 3
She thanked god it was her else taking these two through camp, or else there might have been a massive freak-out, she thankfully had read a lot of fantasy books and the like so she was "used" to these kinds of situations.
Adventures of Simo the Skunk: Escape from the Pray-Away-the-Gay Boy's Bible Camp! Part One
The adventures of simo the skunk: part one: escape from christ's cabins pray away the gay camp simo snuck out that night to the fort he had built with his friend, peppy opossum, to smoke cigarettes and share a joint.