G.R.R. Chapter 6
I cover him and the referee counts, "1 . . . 2 . . ." bam! clyde kicks me in the back of my head to break up the count. the fans boo clyde.
Starting to Look Up
For a moment, the bar was utterly silent, punctuated only by the count as the ref gave it. "...6...7...8..." it was pointless. the tiger was not getting back up. "...10!"
yay the coliseum !
Tsume: jake there's no such thing as the boogie man jake: oh ok sora: anyway let's go find meg, then we can try this again tsume: hell no , count me out jake: count me in tsume: jake !
Stop Holding Back
#1 of stop holding back ignore my rp character count for just this once. i have something i could make into something good.
G.R.R. Chapter 16: Wargames
I hear the tiger say, "count!" the referee counts, "1 . . . 2 . . ." i kick out at the last second! the crowd comes unglued with chants and cheers thundering throughout the arena. "what?!" i hear soultiger yell, probably at the referee.
Lonely Oak Chapter 27
When all was done, the students had a comfortable feeling for counting, and ms. hupp took the topic back to _haiku_.
Jordan the Homophobe (Part Three)
I count eight, and every single one is detailing a half naked, incredibly beautiful female fur.
Intro - The Awakening
Next thing we did was get an accurate count, this turned out to be a bit of an ordeal as it seemed that not many could count, at all.
Kevin Foxboy's Dracula
I am the count's prisoner, captive, and yes, pet. he has sent me here to fetch your first meal, if you permit." i wasn't sure i'd heard correctly.
The King Relaxes
"just what i need for a little...stress relief before the public shaming today...that pathetic count alder is going to regret he crossed tails with me..."
The Night Betrayed (Infurno Teaser)
The hundred count, followed by a trip across the roofs of the shops would put him at the castle wall right at a guard change. shadow had done that exact thing many times in the past week.
Ricky vs Kisari [Standard semi-erotic match]
Panting, he watched the wolf intently from inside the ring and hearing the auto-ref continuing the count. "two!" kisari was in the fetal position holding that ankle panting heavily.