Only a Shadow - Chapter Two

**Took long enough, didn't it? Welp, here's chapter two, hope it's okay.** "I don't know, Max..." Sean looked up at his friend, who had crawled up onto a counter. Max looked down at Sean "Come on Sean, you can't tell me you haven't been curious..."...

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Make Me Purr

Kari was a 'domestic' cat, a siamese to be exact, with typical body colorization that you'd expect to see on a siamese. her hair was shoulder-length, dark brown in color and her eyes were a vivid emerald green, typical her race.

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Scout's Honor, Volume 2, Part 1

The hot water drenched my body. My muscles relaxed, and my arms ceased their folding. My tail uncurled itself and swung behind, twitching every now and again. My fur rested back down on my skin, whether it be the water or the change in mood, I wasn't...

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 29: Regulation 3

Xavier picked up where the mouse left off, looking to the wolf, "regulation 3 is the company protocol that dictates that all designer domestic genticons take hid. there are specific penalties for any unit that doesn't."

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Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 03

Teddy's eyes widen, he recognizing the skunk that was dressed in the uniform of the domestic military, the escapee right now searched for a way out. "magellan...?"

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The Needy Dragon Inn [Commission]

This dragon took quickly to the husky, though - that was another difference between the domestic ones and their wild counterparts.

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COMM - To Tie For - Commission for November - Chapter Two

_has domestication taken your instincts away from you? well? those of your feral brothers and sisters out there? they have survived countless winters just fine!

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BNA Thorns of a Rose, Part 2

Guars, native to india, sort of like the domesticated water buffalo, were normally pretty peaceful. cape buffalo, on the other hand . . .

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Levels (Kreet 49)

Would it be wrong of her to settle down with kallid and live a tranquil domestic life in some obscure cavern? then she remembered her family. they had not lived anything like a tranquil domestic life.

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Slaves for hard labour, domestic service or even just sex toys, their only purpose in living was to obey! labor slaves were made as idiots; domestics had a little more mind, to obey humans and clean their homes. sex toys only knew, well, sex.

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A Trophy Dragon

"lots of anthros like seeing big scary beasts like yourself trained up, broken, and domesticated. it gives a kind of pleasure to see dragons working for anthros. or a once-proud dragon pulled around on a leash. it's just good fun."

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