Count Every Beautiful Thing
He was warm over her, his thick pelt reassuringly soft. _fuck, this is really happening. he's_--slicker, less subtle heat replaced his fingers. morgan gasped, trying to force herself to relax.
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 19
Rachel squeezed angel's hand softly, though her words of reassurance carried that same note of fear angelica felt in the pit of her stomach.
The Tribe Chapter 2
"only because you are a part of our tribe now," keanu, her escort, reassured. "but that is good thinking, rasha. we shall use your advice for later meetings," hymn smiled. "now, let's go.
Attention for Andrew - Part Three (A Jeeves Prompt, Posted with Permission)
He shook his head, and smiled reassuringly as he whispered to her. "y-you're my sister, brit. my family, a-ah... as much as any of the others. i love you, and... i love that you can't stop yourself when i'm around."
The Seed is Planted
Aura smiled reassuringly and asked them if she could help.
One Off: Family Love
His voice confident as he tried to reassure her, though he didn't give her a chance to respond. he pressed a deep kiss into her as he took away her ability to speak with that tongue wrestling with her own once again.
Slagar the Master P4
With a gentle whine she sat herself up, wheezing a little, before gently rubbing her paw against his neck and shoulder, encouraging him that she was reassured he was there. "i know... slagar has nasty job. layla, i, understand."
Atrele: Friends w/ Kioko
I leaned in to give her a reassuring squeeze, about a half-second before she leapt into the air.
Touched, Chapter 2
He said, pulling away and letting a hand remain on her cheek for reassurance. jess normally didn't like being touched at all by others unless she absolutely and completely trusted them.
Information was still streaming through her head, reassuring her that all her systems were functional.
Boy Scouting: A Baby Blue Short
The dog broke into a broad, reassuring grin. "you were smart to wait until college, dex," the tracking hound said in a brotherly tone. "my parents walked in on my first time. that was a prom night none of us will forget."
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 19)
Trips to the hospital provide reassuring reminders that all animals bleed red. after being escorted by a stoic crocodilian nurse, desmond entered the hospital room his brother was assigned to.