When Everything ends
Hey everybody! This is a idea i have had for a while stirring in my head. Finally decided to put it down and share it. It is far from done, this is just the first chapter! Enjoy! _Ch.1_ Spyke woke slowly as bright sunlight warmed his face. He...
The Birth of an Assassin
All is silent where she stands in a corner of the dark room, lights long since turned off with the coming of nightfall. The only resemblance of light is what comes from her bright, yellow eyes, usually kept covered by the ebony leather of her hood, but...
Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Twenty-Nine
No sex! Plot! But yeah, this took for fucking ever to write. I had to stop and almost completely rewrite it halfway through not once, not twice, but I fucking lost count! Anyway, enjoy. I'm pretty sure this is one of my longer chapters, and we go...
Tyler x Shadow 32: Tyler vs Bradley
Conclusion! Enjoy it. (pst, the butler did it) **Chapter Thirty-two: Tyler vs Bradley** _Morning, Horsea Beach, Dragonair Hotel, room 207_ "What the hell do you want?" Bradley growled to the person at his hotel door They were clearly a Pokémon...
The Ingram Clinic
**The Ingram Clinic** Dr. John Ingram M.D. PhD. arrived as usual at 8 AM sharp. And, as he had planned, the first major crisis had happened at about 7:43. A nurse came running up to him. "John!" he called. The orange tabby turned to...
Arietta-Delat Arc, Part 1
Arietta-Delat Arc The room was completely silent, save for the breathing of the fox that came out rather quickly, as if he'd just run a mile or two. The woman lying next to him, that had offered him the hotel for the night, the one that had offered...
Exiled dragon part three
Part 3 The next morning Draakie wakes up with a smile on her face as she slept quite well but now he has a need that she really needs to do something. She looks over at Karel in front of her and gently shakes his shoulder. "Karel......
Look Before you Leap
Frosty grumbled quietly to himself as he held his forehead, stumbling out of the bushes. His tail bristled, flicking with annoyance as he watched a deceptively spry mouse drop his skateboard and hop on. The mouse stuck his tongue out at him before...
Our First Night Together
The wind and snow picked up as we left Wolf Point and the rez behind. Raven's family begged her not to go. "The roads to the cabin will be too dangerous," they said. "Wait until it gets warmer." But she smiled, saying only that she wanted to do it this...
Chapter 7-Kevin and Adam (Clean Version)
\*Same story as the adult one, just without the yiff scene. Enjoy the story.\* Chapter 7-Kevin and Adam (Clean Version) -------------------------------------- Kevin -------------------------------------- Once Kevin returns home with Adam;...
D.M.O.N. Chapter 1: Prologue.
First off, I don't own the digimon and other char that related to it. However I do own several Char. And since I'm not a western so my english will be support by spelling correction. Sorry for miss spelled or miss grammar. D. M. O. N. Digital...
Chapter 1: Damage Assesment
Preface: OK all the children reading this need to leave, inappropriate material is ahead and I don't want to be responsible for corrupting you. Now, for those who read the 16th chapter of the Guilded Suburb series, know this is about Digimon. Sorry if...