Vengance denied

"You have some nerve, following me here. Especially after I let you live the last time." the muskox-woman kicked the captured wolf-man angrily in the stomach. With his ankles shackled to an eye-bolt set in the floor and his arms strapped together...

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Alternative Lessons: Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Fawn jerked her head up, ears standing up tall as she looked around. The room was darker now, the light streaming through the small barred window given only by the moon now, a pale shaft hitting the cement floor. The little white...

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Prisoner of War[6]: Worn Down and Defenceless

"So, all ready for your next truck load?" Preston chuckled as he undid my handcuffs. I sighed at the thought. My body was definitely not ready to unload another truck, especially not if I was going to be rushed. He had to know that I wasn't ready to...

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Forgotten Promise: Chapter 1, Isis

It's not often that I stop and reflect on my life and how things have been. Not that I don't care I just have a slight lack of time to waste on things I consider frivolous. Do I consider it unworthy of my time or is it just a way to deal with the pain...

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The Pokemon Within

For milennia I was the watcher unseen; calmly and quietly watching humanity blossom and grow into what it is today. I have seen wars come and go , I've Seen kingdoms rise and fall, even seen my own kin flee from the approaching dark times. Always I...

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Chapter 2 Lion and the Lab

Kanya had hoped to get in, have a look, and get out before anyone even knew that she was there. It hadn't worked out that way. A dragon had run out of nowhere and grabbed her by the neck! No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free. Panic...

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Oueti Tale Of The Forged Part 1

_I awake. I feel the blinding light in my eyes, "This stinks", I say._ _When I feel the cold metal against my fur, I get a shivering thought, "Where am I?", I think frighteningly. When I start to sit up, I can finally start to see what's happening....

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Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen "When The Best Plans Become Spoiled." By Furry Sith Lord "What the fuck did you guys do to your system?" Lou asked as he sat at a console in a C.I.Z.A. base. A large clock was plastered on every screen and it...

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Captive of Coils: A Brothel Times story

captive of coils for skywing starring salla the naked mouse was a little less than enthused by his new position, but the evidence against him kept him in his little room despite his tastes.

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The Captain's Captive- Gateway to the Green East

The captain's captive- gateway to the green east "listen, i don't remember a damn thing from that night." "how can you not remember baby? it was the most passionate night we ever had together."

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I, Dacien - Chapter One - Captivity

. # chapter one: captivity * * * general darrus ouroborous, master of slave to the mage's council of ouroborous, stood silently in the door he'd just pushed open, and nestor -- once commander of thousands nestor -- sat on his bunk.

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Ragefire Captive - Chapter 2 - Descent

#2 of ragefire captive ragefire captive by merle tags: [straight] [lesbian] [belf] [orc] [rape] [oral] [bondage] [whipping] [rape] [humiliation] [cum] [gangbang] [anal] [lesbian] [drugs] [rape] [torture] any creative criticism is much-welcomed

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