The Amazons

"in the days of the old gods," she said, "when we were set upon by the greeks and others; our city and way of life being threatened with oblivion, we called upon the goddess to save us, and

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Serevokin Nature

Long have the serevokin of the cult sought a way to reverse the damage the old gods did to your bodies. until i brought my magic and alchemy to them, they did not truly believe that they could succeed."

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The Secret Origin of Bob

In ancient times they would be quests of massive proportions with monsters, treasures and hero's beyond belief; but these days petty old gods have faded and they barely have any hold on the real world.

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Flames Part XI - Interwoven

"even the old gods commanded only a fraction of magic. i will command them _all_. and my control over them will only grow as i consume more of their power. what i have now is _nothing_ compared to what i will have when i have taken on the other forms."

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Black Meridian: White Lies

Feeding more'n thirty men was the work of old gods, but spoons made a bang-up job of it. made it an art. keep boys happy, keep 'em fed, no problems. "can i've two?" nadine said, nerve rising in her throat. "huh?"

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The Treetop Inn - Chapter 6

Do you worship the old gods?" elizabeth snickered quietly and grinned, giving the feminine jackal a light nudge. "honey, i wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for the old gods.

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Hybrid Dawn #2: Transition

"i even hear the egyptians are exploring the old gods of the pharaohs." schwartz interjected. "this event has caused a lot of us to question some of the old mythologies as maybe having a grain of truth.

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Chicken Soup for the God's Soul

The schism between the new and old gods was legendary. it wasn't that they fought anymore... at least not outright.

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Sending data to the old gods." to the three of them, it was like mere seconds had passed from their demise to their confused emergence from the slimy tubes they woke up in.

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Her mother still spoke reverently of the pillars, sometimes of the old gods themselves. amina however was mostly concerned with one thing. "are there still ones with gold?" she would ask. "jewels? emeralds? sapphires? frankincense and ...

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Chapter 16: Moonlighting

"_you swear to your old gods? the ones that failed to protect cerinia_?" "when you put it like that, they deserve to have their names taken in vein, don't they?" krystal rubbed her eyes with her thumb and forefinger, followed by a scoff.

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