The Raging Wolvine

With all of that in mind tom was determined to find a way to get rid of the damn thing that day, now as he sat at the computer bringing up the web browser going to one of the many search browsers.

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User Is Not A Robot. Fixing...

Three empty bays waited for three more late-night browsers to fall into the same supervillainous trap...

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A Shade-y Visitor - Hyper Herm Renamon TF

Thankfully he did have other stuff to keep him occupied on his computer, opening his default browser to peruse art sites in search of his favourite stuff.

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Always Small

As he heard the steps of his now bigger roommate approaching, he opened his browser, and searched dragver syndrome.


Written Upon My Skin: Chapter 1

He threw his hands up in frustration in defeat when his browser history failed to bring back the conversation. this was unreal. un-_fucking_-believable. then there was a new message. [09:40:07 pm] @cyberheart: _that won't work, i'm afraid.

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"a new web browser and a trackball! and what's this?" she said, noticing a separate package at the bottom of the box. she dug down deep, and pulled it out. she unwrapped it too and gasped at what she found.

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Bolt's Third Lesson...

This story is of my minds own inner workings and dose not reflect on disney in anyway if reading about such characters in a sexually explicit manner (or terrible grammar/spelling) offends you in any way please hit the back button on your browser....

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The Book

It would have been longer, but theres a limit to how much text you can enter in the web browser so i had to cut it kinda short.

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A New Beginning

I say goodnight to my guild and close out of the game, only to open my internet browser and start browsing some porn. i cruise over to one of my favorite sites and open a new video of a gruff bear making out with a twinkish wolf.

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Online Escape

Her browser screen was her window to the world. chat sometimes came more easily than regular speech and people on the other side of the country or across the ocean knew her thoughts and feelings and even cared in a way about them.

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Fizzy Fox

Feeling rather upset he navigated his browser to one of his favorite sites. he smiled as the large banner depicting several furs doing the weirdest things loaded. he brought the mouse over and clicked the link for sexual dares.

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She grabbed the mouse and opened a new browser page with a couple of skillful clicks, typed in the web address and hit enter. after a few moments a website appeared, offering 'archive footage' and 'fresh action weekly'.

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