Gotta Catch Her Brother's Attention
"but i don't think they'd be okay with you sleeping with your favorite pokemon, would they?"
The voice of reason - Ch 14 - Ferrari's, Lamborghini's and McLaren's...
What's you're favourite classic?' 'lamborghini miura.' 'favourite mid-engine car?' 'lamborghini miura.' 'favourite rear-wheel drive?' 'lamborghini miura.' 'favourite non-lamborghini car?' 'hmm... good one... i'd say the...
A Rubberpets Wooden Anniversary
Her favourite colour was purple like her owner's. so many useless lies thrown into her psyche and asserted as fact.
Tatsuo's Adventure: White pt3
"i usually eat whatever i catch.. though my favorites are fish and humans."
Running through my mind 2
The otter and the raptor discussed various topics such as movies, music, television and video games and found their favorites and least favorites, making a few jokes and references along the way.
Character's Weapons
It's a tactical home defense weapon and range favorite. owing to hraefn's preference of shotguns as his favorite long gun for much the same reason as he loves revolvers.
That's my new Big Uncle !!!
There was a really awesome track of fleetwood mac playing in sam's radio, he explained that it became his favourite genre of songs since he've had listened casually his now favourite song ( it was no coincidence to me that it's also my favourite track
The Original Species: Preface
- **favorite band?** - imagine dragons - **favorite movie?** - 9 - **favorite color?** - hunter green - **know any other languages?** - fluent in english and spanish. studied french and latin - **video games?
Little Big Cats (com - Simbron)
_ _" **simba** , simba, i'm only looking out for the well- being of my favorite nephew."_ _"yeah, right, i'm your **only** nephew."_ _"all the more reason for me to be protective...
Frankenstein's Conundrum
It is my second favorite thing to do. the pups and kits and fawns tousle without care or prejudice. they climb on the jungle gym without fear of falling.
Flash Pulp #13 Prehensile Penis
Whether or not he'd actually shown his skill or not didn't really matter since they were missing one of his favourite scenes.
Tales of Unova, Mission: Martha
Terry walked in his home; he was treated with a pleasant surprise: his father had made his favourite dinner. there were plates filled with spaghetti and meat balls. he sat down with his father and tucked in.