The Champion

The dog, bathed in light, draws a deep breath and bellows into his microphone again: "ladies, inetweeners and gentlemeeeeeeeeen, i give youuuu ....

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Those Forgotten VII: A Proposal

Shaun tiled the microphone up to oren and all that was heard were a few muffled words, so shaun took the microphone back with a laugh. "was that a yes?" shaun asked and oren nodded, holding his hand out for shaun to place the ring.

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Red Twilight the God of Hunger chapter 1-2

Shaun takes the microphone from marks to talk to tail "t-00-01, that is not going to happen. you are a bio organic weapon, a prototype.

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An ass-whoop'in to remember CH4.

The rock beats down owen with the wwf title and walks back down the ramp and is given a close line by austin who pins him for the win the grabbs a microphone "ya see rock i just whooped your ass," "and come fully loaded your ass is mine,"


Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 13

He barked into the microphone. within ten seconds, five hummingbird soldiers zipped in front of him in a perfect line, all saluting in a perfect unison. "sir!" "alright men! i have a mission for you all."

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A Tale Of Two Horses, Act 3.

I change my status back to available and again i don my headset and microphone, i am now ready for the afternoon session.

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The Dirty Dancer

Her ears raised as there was break before the next track, hearing the dj call out over his microphone, "once again, this is a special tune for a very special kitty!"

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02: That Music and Concert

Only two songs went by before the music died down to a steady beat and vinyl picked up a nearby microphone. "ponyville! you ready to kick it up another notch?" she called out.

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Life's Fun Bits: Part 3: The Taste of Love

_ she pulled the microphone from the stand and traipsed over to where mia was sitting, singing directly to her, starting the next verse with a smile and a wink. _"once i get you up there, where the air is rarefied...

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A tale of Twilight

Mikael watched with interest as the black dragon who had spoke to him spoke into his microphone. "third platoon, grenades and then fall back to the bunker line. lancers, provide supporting fire."

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 7 Here We Go Again...

One of the officers took a microphone. ''if this is a movie stunt please inform us!'' the monster reacted to the sound of the microphone but didnt move, it was only turning it's head around. the pixy thing yelled. ''they are gone! i can't find them!

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