A Night Out, A Night In - Chapter 07 : Final Instructions
"paddle shaasta's butt regularly to keep her brand visible; check, master," thissle said, landing a solid swat with the studded side of her paddle dead center across the elf's bottom, causing her to yelp. "aside from that."
Corsi INC 15
Lone paddled her again feeling her rubbing against him. "bad girl." he disciplined her. one more time he slammed the paddle down onto her making her scream. her voice echoing out of the open car windows. "keep still.
Beta - Commission for MidnightDenyen
He wondered if he should stop, just put the paddle down, but he wanted more. he gripped the paddle tight, and he huffed softly under his breath as he started to rain down slaps on that boy's grey furred rump.
Fates of the Unicorns 9 - Dessert
The two dragons began to paddle their slaves, smacking the firm unicorn rumps with pleasure and force. rahmor's paddle moved up and down tamira's ass, beating her cheeks and the backs of her thighs.
Workhorse Part 2 REDUX (Commission)
With a sadistic little grin, she picked a small leather paddle with tiny metal studs lining it. "oh...wait..." pocketing the paddle, maggie's eyes caught hold of a wide buttplug standing in the corner.
Kayla: Last Day
Rembrant reached behind herself and grabbed one of the things she placed on her desk for this; her third grade paddle, level 2. just a little harsher then normal, but for any recipiant of a paddling, any harsher means a lot worse. mrs.
Just Desserts
Smack smack smack each time the paddle made contact the bull grunted, trying hard not to show the discomfort he was in already.
Blast From the Past! Part 2
Raymond walked back into the darkness, and came back- with a whip and a paddle. he then swung with full power, over and over at matthew, whipping him mercilessly and then whacked his ass with the paddle, switching between the two.
Will's accident.
He had been raped and for some strange reason he was paddling back to the scene where it had happened and he was paddling back to the same fur that did it to him, knowingly.
Angel's Fall
The blistering paddle was called his final sanction for a very good reason.
Bigger is Always Better
The tiger mewled, yowled and growled in abandon, while his balls were thoroughly paddled.
Dazzle's Encore
As he spoke, he slammed the paddle down hard on her pussy, the filly screaming out as she felt the sudden rush of pain on her young sex.