Answer me Honestly
Good pets obey and i commanded you to resist me. obey me, pet. resist." sasha blinked in confusion. "what?"
The Corruption of Megakat City: Part 1
Callie suddenly resisted quietly. the spirit suddenly felt the slight resistance. this woman was stronger in will than the mayor. he could not allow this, so he decided to further corrupt her.
Lunar Tales Prologue - Tragic Start
The resistance member spat bitterly about the enemy. "now...he hunts...those who...are resisting against...him... he knows...neither mercy...nor any remorse..." the human breathed out as he coughs up blood and keels over. "hey, hang on!"
Adolphus' tails 05: A quick transfer
"you will fight, resist and rebel, but you will never succeed in your quest for freedom. you will be beaten, whipped and flogged, you will be forced to yield no matter how hard you try and resist.
Assimilated Part 2
To our surprise, we met little or nor resistance as we landed on the shores. the civilian an military personnel we encountered knew there was no point in resisting and quickly surrendered.
Assimilated Part 2
To our surprise, we met little or nor resistance as we landed on the shores. the civilian an military personnel we encountered knew there was no point in resisting and quickly surrendered.
Lore: Vulpeculan Principalities
Above: the vulpeculan republican resistance flag as seen by most species in the empire (left) and as seen by humans or individuals with chromatic implants (right).
The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter Two: The Mysterious Blue Dracogin.
Joe: i don't know but it is up to you just remember without a leader the resistance will fall apart and be picked off one by one. charr: you're a better leader than i am, you will find a way.
Bondage and Discipline 06
Relief of any kind was carefully denied us, so our will to resist would be broken by our own body needs. it's cruel and makes us learn we're animals who no longer control our own bodies.
Day 1: gauging
The subject's resistence is very high. this is both a blessing and a curse because we can study how a person with high mental resistence handles treatment and because this will be a long and difficult study.
Hgjysews's anthropomorphic canine history 1 Emergence of anthropomorphic canines(1143-1165)
Short story the original wolves in the early days were originally able to resist wolf attacks, but they chose to concentrate on hunting and passively resist, which severely slowed down the evacuation speed, resulting in the original wolves of eurasia being
In for a Penn, In for a Penny (Watersports)
He tried to resist by squeezing the nub out, but that made both sensation and desire all the stronger. "aww,youa good girl, ain't ya?" ray cooed.